Faculty of Sciences

Team 3 LCSN-Biom

Team 3

Hemisynthesis of Natural Products: Electrochemical Applications


Scientific description of the team's research program:

  1. Scientific background

The search for new molecules which are respectful of the environment, biodegradable, more active and the improvement of the effectiveness of existing molecules in the field of corrosion inhibition constitutes the challenge of our team both in terms of the development of techniques extractions, separations and purifications as well as the valorization of the molecules extracted by electrochemical and biochemical applications.

The team's work extends to the semi-synthesis of structural analogues from bioactive natural products (amino acids, essential oils, secondary metabolites of aromatic and medicinal plants, biomaterials, algae, etc.), through the use clean and efficient synthesis methods. This theme has a dual purpose:

  1. first the extraction of different metabolites from natural organisms, followed by the preparation of biomolecules based on the products obtained.
  2. In a second step, the evaluation of the inhibitory efficiency of these synthesized products with respect to the corrosion of metals in different media (acid, neutral and basic).

Molecules derived from nature have a great biodiversity. The majority of biomolecules show a broad spectrum of biological activities (antimicrobial, antifungal, …..). The anti-corrosion activity of natural substances is currently experiencing particular enthusiasm among researchers. Corrosion is an industrial problem encountered in various sectors, it causes significant economic damage. This corrosion phenomenon represents a constant problem, often difficult to eliminate completely. It affects installations in several sectors (industry, transport, energy, buildings, etc.). Most of the synthetic compounds used as inhibitors show good anticorrosion action, but most of them are highly toxic to living beings and the environment. These inhibitors are used to prevent or retard the corrosion of metals or their alloys. Several studies show that the use of biomolecules for the protection of metals makes it possible to achieve high efficiency rates. Reason why these products are increasingly considered as a source of green inhibitors. The use of these can be effective in different environments (acid, neutral and basic), which could allow in the more or less near future to replace the toxic chemicals currently used.

  1. Scientific objectives:
  • Training through research of doctoral students specialized in the field of the chemistry of natural products and their applications in the field of corrosion inhibition of metals in different media,
  • Valorization of natural extracts, secondary metabolites and biomolecules in the inhibition of corrosion
  • Electrochemical water treatment.
  • Development of skills in extractive and separative chemistry and in the structural analysis of secondary metabolites,
  • Valorization of national natural resources,
  • Isolation of new structures and/or product fractions with interesting corrosion inhibiting activity
  1. Work in progress :

The work in progress concerns in particular:

  • Semisynthesis and characterization by spectroscopic methods (IR, NMR, mass spectrometry) of active molecules from natural products in the field of corrosion inhibition.
  • Determination and valuation of anticorrosive activities by electrochemical characterization methods (polarization curves and electrochemical impedances),
  • Extract, identify and quantify compounds from several natural substances and their use as a source of eco-compatible, biodegradable and non-toxic corrosion inhibitors.
  • Synthesis of biosurfactants by biochemical route and their use in the inhibition of microbial corrosion.

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