Vice Rectorate of Planning


Vice-Rectorate for Development, Foresight and Orientation

Vice Rector : Dr. Ait Saadi Mohamed Hocine 

025 27 24 04

Fax: 025 27 23 69


The vice-rectorate of development, foresight and orientation is responsible for:

– Gather the elements necessary for the development of draft university development plans;


– Monitor construction programs and ensure the implementation of university equipment programs in conjunction with the services concerned;

– Carry out any prospective study on forecasts of the evolution of the university's student population and propose any measures for their support, in particular, in terms of development, educational and administrative supervision;

– Maintain the university’s statistical file, ensuring its periodic updating;


– Proceed with the development of any information support on the teaching courses provided by the university and their professional opportunities;

– Make available to students any information to help them in their choice of orientation;

– Promote student information actions;


Our services :

1- Monitoring of university construction and equipment programs


2- Statistics and prospective


3- Orientation and information