Faculty of Sciences

Productions and Communications

Production and Communications

International Publications
a) International Publications Exceptional, A,B (according to international databases WOS, Scopus (1 per line, giving the link to the journal / URL)



Zidane Baitiche, Maamar Benbachir, Kaddour Guerbati; Application of a generalization of miranda's theorem for solutions of two-point bvp of nonlinear fractional differential equations at resonance; Canad. J.Appl. Math. 1 (2019), no. 1, 89-98




Abdelatif Boutiara, Kaddour Guerbati and Maamar Benbachir; Caputo-Hadamard fractional differential equation with

three-point boundary conditions in Banach spaces, AIMS Mathematics, 5(1) 2019: 259–272. https://www.aimspress.com/Math/2020/1/259



Abdelatif Boutiara, Maamar Benbachir, Kaddour Guerbati; Measure of noncompactness for nonlinear hilfer fractional differential equation in banach spaces; Ikonion Journal of Mathematics ; Year 2019, Volume 1, Issue 2, Pages 55 – 67.




Zidane Baitiche, Maamar Benbachir and Kaddour Guerbati; Solvability for multi-point bvp of nonlinear fractional differential equations at resonance with three dimensional kernels; Kragujevac Journal of Mathematics; Volume 45(5) (2021), Pages 761–780.




Ali Benlabbes, Maamar Benbachir, Mustapha Lakrib; An existence result forth-order nonlinear fractional differential equations; Int. J. Nonlinear Anal. Appl. 9 (2018) No. 2, 33-45.




Mohamed Houas, Maamar Benbachir; Existence and uniqueness results for nonlinear differential equations of arbitrary order; Int. J. Nonlinear Anal. appl. 6 (2015) No. 2, 77-92.




Ali Benlabbes, Maamar Benbachir and Mustapha Lakrib; Boundary value problems for nonlinear fractional differential equations; Ser. Math. Inform.Vol. 30, No. 2 (2015), 157–168.




Mohamed Houas, Maamar Benbachir; Existence solutions for four point boundary value problems for fractional differential equations; Pure and Applied Mathematics Letters, Volume 2015, pages 37-49.




Mohamed Houas, Maamar Benbachir; Existence solutions for three point boundary value problem for differential equations; JFCA, Vol. 6 (1). Jan. 2015, No. 14, p. 160-174.




M. Houas, M. Benbachir and Z. Dahmani, Some results for a four-point boundary value problems for coupled system involving Caputo derivative;

Malaya J. Mat. 3(1)(2015) 30–44.




Maamar Benbachir, Abdelkader Saadi; The Kawahara equation with time and space-fractional derivatives solved by the Adomian method; Journal of Interdisciplinary Mathematics, Volume 17, 2014 – Issue 3 pages: 523-533 https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/abs/10.1080/09720502.2011.10700770?src=recsys




Ali Benlabbes, Maamar Benbachir and Mustapha Lakrib, Existence Solutions of a Nonlinear Fractional Differential Equations; Journal of Advanced Research in Dynamical and Control Systems (2014) 6(4):56-67.

https://www.jardcs.org/backissues/abstract.php?archiveid=255&action=fulltext&uri=/backissues/archives.php?volume=6&i sweat=4

13 Rouaki Mohamed, Topological Degree and a nonlinear Dirichlet problem. Nonlinear Analysis MTA 54 (2003) 801-817.
14 Rouaki Mohamed, Nodal radial solutions for a superlinear problem. Nonlinear Analysis RWA 8 (2007) 563-571.
15 A. Benterki and M. Rouaki: Existence of solutions for boundary value problems via fixed point method. Advanced Studies in Contemporary Mathematics. ISSN: 12293067 (2018)



B. Chaouchi, R Labbas, Bk Sadallah, Laplace Equation On A Domain With A Cuspidal Point In Little Hölder Spaces,

Mediterranean Journal Of Mathematics 10 (1), 157-175




B. Chaouchi, Solvability of second-order boundary-value problems on non-smooth cylindrical domains, Electronic Journal of Differential Equations 2013 (199), 1-7




B. Chaouchi, F. Boutaous, An abstract approach for the study of an elliptic problem in a nonsmooth cylinder, Arabian Journal of Mathematics 3 (3), 325-340




Chaouchi Belkacem, Kostic Marko, On frequently hypercyclic abstract higher-order differential equations, Facta Universitatis, Series: Mathematics and Informatics 33 (5), 627-636. http://casopisi.junis.ni.ac.rs/index.php/FUMathInf

Chaouchi Belkacem, Kostic Marko, An efficient abstract method for the study of an initial boundary value problem on

singular domain, Afr. Mast.30, No. 3-4, 551-562 (2019). https://link.springer.com/journal/13370



Belkacem Chaouchi, Marko Kostić, Stevan Pilipović, Daniel Velinov, f-Frequently hypercyclic C0-semigroups on complex Sectors, Banach J. Math. Anal. (2020). https://doi.org/10.1007/s43037-020-00053-2. https://link.springer.com/journal/43037



Abdelkader Chouikrat, Bootstrapping equations for formal first integrals, Linear and Multilinear Algebra, vol 54, n°3, 2006, pp. 219 – 233.; https://www.tandfonline.com/toc/glma20/54/3

Driss Boularas, Abdelkader Chouikrat, Determinantal Analysis of the Polynomial Integrability of Differential Systems.




Lakhdar Benaissa, Guediri Hocine, Properties of Dual Toeplitz Operators with Applications To Haplitz Products On The Hardy Space of the Polydisk. https://projecteuclid.org/download/pdf_1/euclid.twjm/1499133615

Lakhdar Benaissa, Daili Noureddine, About Biharmonic Problem via a Spectral Approach and Decomposition Techniques.


a) Exceptional International Publications, A,B (according to the International WOS, Scopus databases (1 per line, giving the link to the journal / URL)



SM Sheikholeslami, M. Chellali, M. Soroudi, A characterization of perfect Roman trees. Discrete Applied Mathematics 285 (2020) 501, 508–XNUMX.




A. Bouchou, M. Blidia, M. Chellali, Extremal graphs for a bound on the Roman domination number. Discussions Mathematicae Graph Theory 40 (2020) 771–785.




H. Abdollahzadeh Ahangar, M. Chellali, SM Sheikholeslami, Outer independent double Roman domination. Applied Mathematics Computation 364 (2020) 124617. https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0096300319306095



S. Nazari-Moghaddam, M. Chellali, On the double Roman domination number in trees. Australasian J. of Combin. 77(2) (2020) 256—268.




N. Meddah, M. Chellali, Edges contained in all or in no minimum edge dominating set of a trees. Discrete Mathematics, Algorithms and Applications 11 (4) (2019) 1950040. https://www.worldscientific.com/doi/10.1142/S179383091950040X



S. Kerdjoudj, A. Raspaud, List star edge-coloring of k-degenerate graphs and K4-minor free graphs. Discrete Applied Mathematics 261 (2019) 268–275. https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/abs/pii/S0166218X19300654



S. Kerdjoudj, K. Pradeep A. Raspaud, List star chromatic index of sparse graphs. Discrete Mathematics 341 (2018) 1835–1849.




A. Ramoul, M. Blidia, A new generalization of kernels in digraphs. Discrete Applied Mathematics 217 (2017) 673-



a) Exceptional International Publications, A,B (according to the International WOS, Scopus databases (1 per line, giving the link to the journal / URL)



L. Raiah and N. Oukid. An M/M/2 retrial queue with breakdowns and repairs. Romanian Journal of Mathematics and Computer Science (RJM-CS), volume 7 issue 1, 11-20, 2017. https://doaj.org/toc/2247-689X



Amina Boukoftane, Eitan Altman, Majed Haddad and Nadia Oukid. Paradoxes in a Multi-criteria Routing Game. Lecture Notes of the Institute for Computer Sciences, Social Informatics and Telecommunications Engineering, 165-172, 2017. https://link.springer.com/book/10.1007/978-3-319-67540-4



H. oukid and A. Aissani. A new look at the M/G/1 retrial tail: a martingale approach. Advanced Studies in Contemporary Mathematics 28, No. 3, 413 – 422, 2018. http://www.jangjeon.or.kr



Elmossaoui, H., Oukid, N. & Hannane, F. Construction of computer experiment designs using marked point processes. Afr. Mast. 31 917–928 (2020). https://doi.org/10.1007/s13370-020-00770-9.
a) International Publications Exceptional, A,B (according to international databases WOS, Scopus (1 per line, giving the link to the journal / URL)
1 In Rasoul, Estimating the conditional tail expectation in the case of heavy-tailed losses Journal of Probability and Statistics 2010
2 Ould Rouis H. Invariance principle and self normalized for sums trimmed according to choice of fluence function, Birkhauser, 1991



Rasoul, A. Kernel-type estimator of the conditional tail expectation for a heavy-tailed distribution

Insurance: Mathematics and Economics 53 (3), 698-703


Rasoul, A. An improved estimator of the distortion risk measure for heavy-tailed claims, Hacettepe Journal of

Mathematics and Statistics 44 (3), 735-746


Rasoul, A. Kernel-type estimator of the mean for a heavy tailed distribution. Statistics and Its Interface 8 (1), 85-



Rasoul, A. Estimating of the proportional hazard premium for heavy-tailed claim amounts with the pot method

REVSTAT–Statistical Journal 10 (3), 335-349

5 M Laidi, In Rassoul, HO Rouis. Improved Estimator of the Conditional Tail Expectation in the case of heavy-tailed losses. Statistics, Optimization information computing, 8(1), 98-109, 2020.


D. Berkane, P. Dusart “On a constant related to the prime counting function “. Mediterranean Journal of Math. (2015) 'https://link.springer.com/article/10.1007/s00009-015-0564-9'



D. Berkane, “An explicit estimate for the Barban & Vehov weights”. NNTDM (2014). 'http://nntdm.net/volume-



D. Berkane, O. Ramaré, O. Bordellès, “Explicit upper bounds for the remainder term in the divisor problem”.

Math of Comp. (2012).' https://www.ams.org/journals/mcom/2012-81-278/S0025-5718-2011-02535-4/'



D. Berkane, H. Belbachir, “Asymptotic expansion for the sum of inverses of arithmetical functions involving

iterated logarithms”. Appl. Anal. Discrete Math. (2011). 'http://pefmath.etf.rs/component/papers/?vol=5&no=1&year=2011'



Benzaghou, Benali; Mokhfi, Siham, ''Trace formula for rings of Witt vectors. (Trace formula for rings

Witt vectors.)'' CR, Math., Acad. Science. Paris 355, No. 6, 601-606 (2017). 'https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S1631073X16302588'

National Publications
  1. b) National Publications (1 per line, obligatorily giving the link to the journal / URL)



    B.Chaouchi, On solvency of mixed boundary value problem for Laplace equation set on bad domain

    Mediterranean Journal of Modeling & Simulation 1 (Volume 9,), 53-62

    http://www.univ-km.dz/index.php/2019-04-18-13-33-17/781-mediterranean-journal-of-modeling-and-simulation- med-j-model-simul





    B.Chaouchi, SemigroupRs approach to the study of the Hölder continuous regularity for Laplace equation in nonsmooth domain.

    Mediterranean Journal of Modeling & Simulation 2 (030), 050

    http://www.univ-km.dz/index.php/2019-04-18-13-33-17/781-mediterranean-journal-of-modeling-and-simulation- med-j-model-simul

International communication
  1. c) International Communications (1 per line, giving the link to the URL of the conference.)



    Maamar Benbachir and Abdelatif Boutiara; About a Nonlinear Caputo-Hadamard Fractional Differential Equation With Hadamard Integral Boundary conditions in Banach Spaces, Meeting of Mathematical Analysis and Applications (RAMA11). University of Sidi Bel Abbes, November 2019.


    c) International Communications (1 per line, giving the link to the URL of the conference.)



    S. Kerdjoudj, A. Raspaud. List star edge coloring of sparse graphs. Bordeaux Graph

    Workshop, BGW 2016 in Bordeaux, France. From 07 to 10 November 2016.

    c) International Communications (1 per line, giving the link to the URL of the conference.)



    L. Raiah and N. Oukid. The M/G/1 System with recalls, faults and priority. MSS'2019 (International Stochastic and Statistical Modeling Colloquium), USTHB Algiers, November 24-26, 2019. Proceedings ISBN 978-9931- 9222-2-3 (pp245-249). https://mss2019.usthb.dz/



    Z. Boussaha, N. Oukid and H. Zeghdoudi. On the Orbital Search of Customers. MSS'2019 (International Stochastic and Statistical Modeling Colloquium), USTHB Algiers, November 24-26, 2019. Proceedings ISBN 978-9931-9222-2-3 (pp.72-75) https://mss2019.usthb.dz/



    Z. Boussaha, N. Oukid and H. Zeghdoudi. Performance and Analysis of an M/M/1 Retrial Queue with Orbital Search. MEE'2020 (1st International Symposium on Materials, Energy and Environment January 20-21 st; 2020, El Oued, Algeria. https://mee2020.sciencesconf.org/



    H. Elmossaoui, N. Oukid and F. Hannane. New Computer Experiment Designs Using Monte Carlo Markov Chain Method and Metropolis Hasting Algorithm. MEE'2020 (1 st International Symposium on Materials, Energy and Environment January 20-21st; 2020, El Oued, Algeria. https://mee2020.sciencesconf.org/


    H. OUKID, A. AISSANI. Multiserver retrial queues with general retrial times and losses, 8th World Congress in Probability and Statistics, Istanbul, 9-14 July, 2012, pp 219-219. http://home.ku.edu.tr/~wcong2012/



    H. OUKID, A. AISSANI. Retrial queues with general retrial times, Marrakesh International Conference on Probability and Statistics ''MICPS'', MOROCCO, 17-20 December 2013.

    http: //www.ensa.ac.ma/micps2013/



    H. OUKID, A. AISSANI. A new lookat the M/G/1 retrial queue, 16th Annual Congress of the French Society for Operational Research and Decision Support'', Marseille ''ROADEF'', February 25-27, 2015.


    c) International Communications (1 per line, giving the link to the URL of the conference.)


    EVA 2019: 11. International Conference of Extreme Values ​​Theory: https://web.math.pmf.unizg.hr/eva2019/



    ISDC 2018: 11. International Statistics Days Conference, 03-07 October 2018, Mugla, Turkey: http://www.igs2018.mu.edu.tr/



    ICCAAM 2017 International Conference on Applied Analysis and Mathematical Modeling: https://ntmsci.com/Conferences/ICAAMM2017/



    ICRAPAM 2017: 4th International Conference on Recent Advances in Pure and Applied Mathematics. https://2017.icrapam.org/



    ICPAS 2016, 2nd international Conference on pure and applied science: http://icpam-04.naturalspublishing.com/page.asp?pgid=8

National communications
  1. d) National communications (1 per line, giving the link to the URL of the conference.)



    Maamar Benbachir; Existence and Uniqueness Solutions of a BVP involving Caputo-Hadamard Fractional Derivative; Applied Mathematics Day (JMA2019), University Center of Mila. April 2019 http://www.centre-univ-mila.dz/ar/pdf/journee-etude-math.pdf

    d) National communications (1 per line, giving the link to the URL of the conference.)



    L. Raiah and N. Oukid. Approximate Analysis for Reliability of an Unreliable M/M/2 Retrial Queue. The first national conference on Dynamic Systems, Differential Equations and Applications, Oum El Bouaghi,

    March 10-11, 2015. www.univ-oeb.dz/



    H. OUKID, A. AISSANI. ''Analysis of multi-server queuing systems via martingales'', Research Laboratory in Intelligent Computing, Mathematics and Applications (RIIMA), 2015. https://www.usthb.dz/fr/actu/233