Team 4
Theoretical and Applied Statistics

Rassoul Abdelaziz
ESH Blida

Ould Rouis Hamid
Mathematics Univ Blida 1

Tami Omar
Mathematics Univ Blida 1

Frihi Redouane
Mathematics Univ Blida 1

Guermah Toufik
Univ. chlef

Bukhari Med
Mathematics Univ Blida 1

ugly mohamed
ENST. Alger

Bari Amina
C univ. Tindouf
Team Title |
Theoretical and Applied Statistics |
Possible acronym: |
Home page Team |
Physical location: |
Department of Mathematics, University of Blida 1 |
Team Leader Name |
RASSOUL Abdelaziz |
Grade: MCA |
Number of posts (Google Scholar) |
18 |
Google Scholar citation number) |
65 |
H-index (Google Scholar) |
3 |
Google Account Schto smell |
Complete list of team members by rank starting with the highest rank |
Last name First Name |
Reporting structure |
S e X and |
Date of Birth |
Last diploma |
Grade |
Specialty |
Google Account Schto smell |
Number of publications |
Number of citations (Google Scholar) |
H-index (Google Scholar) |
Rassoul Abdelaziz |
ESH Blida |
M |
16/02/1975 |
Prof. |
Prob & stats |
18 |
65 |
3 |
Ould Rouis Hamid |
M |
26/01/1955 |
Prob & stats |
2 |
Tami Omar |
M |
28/11/1955 |
Master |
Prob & stats |
2 |
Frihi Redouane |
M |
15/03/1972 |
Master |
Prob & Stats |
1 |
Guermah Toufik |
Univ. chlef |
M |
17/09/1977 |
Master |
Prob and Stats |
1 |
Bukhari Med |
M |
00/00/1973 |
Master |
Prob & Stats |
1 |
ugly mohamed |
ENST. Algiers |
M |
22/02/1977 |
Master |
Prob & Stats |
3 |
Bari Amina |
C univ. tindouf |
F |
11/03/1975 |
Master |
Prob. & Stats |
1 |
NB: Applicant members must not, under any circumstances, belong to an already approved laboratory.
Description of the objectives, missions and activities of the team (It must necessarily fit with the themes of the laboratory) |
Overall goals (Describe in about ten lines the objective of the research carried out by the team) The main objective of our team is to model and predict catastrophic events, this modeling allows experts in the fields to create preventive scenarios to avoid human and economic damage to the country, this methodology finds an important place in several fields, hydrology , environment, economy, finance. Our approach based on a solid theory known as univariate extreme value theory and multivariate, the study of extreme events in cases of independence and dependence of events. |
Scientific Foundations (Define the major work themes that the team proposes) Study of extreme data with the existence of censorships, applications on the estimation of risk measures. Study of conditional heavy two-tailed distributions, estimation of the conditional quantile, quantile regression, applications on meteorological data to discover the impact of deterministic climatic indices on a response variable (precipitation) at the level of the Mediterranean area. Study of extreme income distributions, application to the estimation of inequality indices in a population under capitalism. Spatio-temporal modeling of precipitation by Max-stable processes, with an application on real data. Modeling of the statistical dependence of the parameters that characterize drought by trivariate copulas, with applications on real data. Modeling and forecasting by time series with the tests of the stationarity of the trend and of |
seasonality. Sampling by classified sets and its advantages compared to classical sampling, application to the estimation of risk measures. |
Key words : extreme value theory, extreme quantiles, risk measures, return period, copulas, series chronological, quantile regression, expectiles, expectile regression, conditional extreme distributions. |
Experience in research projects and programs |
Title of the Program (PNR, CNEPRU, AUF, CRDI, UE..) |
Year |
Organization |
Stochastic Models and Optimization. CNEPRU |
2007 |
University of Medea |
Asymptotic va-sum behavior using some choice of influence functions. CNEPRU |
2000 |
Univ. Blida 1 |
Application of extreme value theory to estimate some probabilistic tools in hydrology and actuarial science. PNR |
2011 |
Modeling and forecasting of extreme events and their impacts on economy and environment in Algeria. |
2018 |