Team 2
Graph Theory and Combinatorial Optimization

Chellali Mustapha
Mathematics Univ Blida 1

Boudjemaa Redouane
Mathematics Univ Blida 1

Samia Kerdjoudj
Univ Blida 1

Meddah Nacera
Univ Blida 1

Ramoul Amina
Mathematics Univ. Blida 1

Bourig Razika
Mathematics Univ. Boumerdes

Attalah Karima
Mathematics Univ. Blida 1

Rahmouni Abdelkader
Mathematics Univ Blida 1
Team Title |
Graph Theory and Combinatorial Optimization |
Possible acronym: |
Home page Team |
No |
Physical location: |
Block 13 |
Team Leader Name |
Chellali Mustapha |
Rank: Professor |
Number of posts (Google Scholar) |
More from 115 |
Number of citations Google Scholar) |
More from 1600 |
H-index (Google Scholar) |
24 |
Google Account Schto smell |
Complete list of team members by rank starting with the highest rank |
Last name First Name |
Reporting structure |
S exe |
Date of Birth |
Last diploma |
Grade |
Specialty |
Google Account Schto smell |
Number of publications |
Number of citations (Google Scholar) |
H-index (Google Scholar) |
Chellali Mustapha |
Univ. Blida 1 |
M |
16/06/67 |
Doctorate |
Prof. |
Graph theory |
More from 115 |
More from 1600 |
24 |
Boudjemaa Redouane |
Univ. Blida 1 |
M |
25/09/75 |
Doctorate |
Math. applied |
12 |
81 |
05 |
Samia Kerdjoudj |
Univ. Blida 1 |
F |
02/12/83 |
Doctorate |
Graph theory |
07 |
28 |
03 |
Meddah Nacera |
Univ. Blida 1 |
F |
18/01/76 |
Doctorate |
Graph theory |
07 |
43 |
— |
Ramoul Amina |
Univ. Blida 1 |
F |
18/10/73 |
Doctorate |
Graph theory |
02 |
02 |
01 |
Bourig Razika |
Univ. Boumerdes |
F |
Doctorate |
Graph theory |
03 |
— |
— |
Attalah Karima |
Univ. Blida 1 |
F |
13/07/79 |
Doctorate |
Theory of graphs |
02 |
— |
— |
Rahmouni Abdelkader |
Univ. Blida 1 |
M |
13/05/89 |
LMD doctorate |
Graph theory |
01 |
08 |
01 |
NB: Applicant members must not, under any circumstances, belong to an already approved laboratory.
Description of the objectives, missions and activities of the team (It must necessarily fit with the themes of the laboratory) |
Overall goals (Describe in about ten lines the objective of the research carried out by the team)
Graph theory, which consists in studying the different properties of graphs, has become over the years a powerful operational research tool for modeling and solving many practical problems (timetabling problems, location problems , microprocessor architectures, etc.). Graph theory encompasses several areas, each as interesting as the other, such as domination, coloring, stability, kernels in directed graphs. A Graph Theory team will allow us to create the right environment for research, to deepen our knowledge and to make our contribution. Among the objectives of this team that we want to achieve, we quote: · Contribution by original works in the field of graph theory. · The exchange, maintenance and acquisition of knowledge from the scientific community on the latest developments in research on the stated themes. |
· The training of doctoral students within the framework of the new LMD system. · Creation of the research environment so that young people can flourish. · Development of software which makes it possible to answer certain questions of the real world (industrial, economic and social) which can be formulated in terms of graph theory. |
Scientific Foundations (Define the major work themes that the team proposes)
The research themes on which we intend to work and develop are:
Domination in graphs and its variants · Coloring in graphs and its variants. · Kernels in directed graphs. · Complexity and algorithmic aspects. |
Key words : Dominant set, Roman domination, coloring of vertices, coloring of edges, Cores and quasi-cores. |
. Training related to the research themes of the members of the laboratory or of the Team
a) Master's theses |
Number:1 |
Student's first and last name |
Kamel Tablennehas |
Date and place of defense |
June 2008 Blida1. |
Reporter |
Mustapha Chellali |
title title |
Contribution to the study of critical m-point graphs. Thesis defended on the 29th |
URL summary or pdf version |
Number:2 |
Student's first and last name |
Mimouni Malika |
Date and place of defense |
May 13, 2009 Blida1. |
Reporter |
Mustapha Chellali |
title title |
On total locator dominating sets in graphs. |
URL summary or pdf version |
Number:3 |
Student's first and last name |
Bouzefrane Mohamed |
Date and place of defense |
June 24, 2010, Blida1 |
Reporter |
Mustapha Chellali |
title title |
On alliances in graphs. |
URL summary or pdf version |
b) Doctoral Thesis |
Number:1 |
Surname & First name of the doctoral student |
Boumediene Merouane Hocine |
Date and place of defense |
Thesis defended in April 2014. Blida1 |
Reporter |
Mustapha Chellali |
Title of the title of the doctorate |
Study of the complexity aspects of some domination parameters in the graphs. |
URL summary or pdf version |