Mr YAHIA Achour
Head of Pre-clinical Department
Currently the preclinical department supports the training of four educational years (old and new program) namely: 1rd year bac+6, 2nd year bac+5, 2nd year bac+6 and 3nd year. The new teaching program for veterinary doctors, which extends over 6 years of study, provides quality and up-to-date teaching of veterinary medicine. During his passage over the years in the preclinical department, the student is supposed to acquire all the theoretical and basic knowledge necessary to launch with ease into clinical teaching. The modules taught concern the basic areas of biomedicine (Biochemistry, physiology, bacteriology, histology, embryology, chemistry, biophysics, etc.) in addition to modules directly related to veterinary sciences (breeding and animal production, Food, anatomy of different species, reproductive physiology, semiology…….). From the current year (2O23/2024) all modules taught in 1rd year are provided in English. The preclinical department has more than 50 teachers, the majority of whom are of Magisterial rank, ensuring the training of 800 students in classes, tutorials and practical work. The various teaching sessions are provided at the level of the new infrastructure of our institute comprising three amphitheatres, tutorial rooms and educational laboratories, adding to this the university's experimental station and the biotechnology platform for the reproduction of carnivores.