Mr ADEL Djallel
Head of the Department of Medicine, Surgery and Animal Reproduction
The Department of Medicine, Surgery and Reproduction was created in 2013 with the restructuring of the university and the creation of the Institute of Veterinary Sciences. The roles assigned to this department are:
Managing the operation of the veterinary clinic and establishing the appropriate environment for the smooth running of clinical activities
The organization of external internships for students in the clinical cycle either as part of practical training or the completion of end-of-study work
Managing the education of 6 year old studentsnd year.
The importance of this department lies in the fact that it gives its specificity to the veterinary curriculum and training. In fact, the veterinary course is medical training and it is thanks to the clinic's various services (Companion Animals, Farm Animals, equine clinic and outpatient clinic) that veterinary students will learn how to care for animals in the clinic. and develop their diagnostic approach.