Head of the clinical department
Teacher-researcher, class A assistant master, was appointed to the rank of head of the clinical department in 2021.
My Diplomas and Training in
Diploma of Veterinary Doctor.
Diploma of Veterinary Doctor from the Institute of Veterinary Sciences BLIDA1.
Master's Degree in Veterinary Sciences (Medical microbiology of zoonotic diseases) from BLIDA 1 University.
since 2015 to date
PhD in progress
PhD student affiliated with the Laboratory of Biotechnology Related to Animal Reproduction (LBRA) Institute of Veterinary Sciences Blida1.
International Publications & Communications
Oral communications:
Retrospective study on clinical activity at the Institute of Veterinary Sciences of Blida (2013/2017). S.SELLALI.4nd Edition of the Canine and Feline Day, Blida.
Unilateral oophorectomy in rabbits. M. BOUZOUANE, A. CHABA and S.SELLALI. 7th National Veterinary Fair, Blida.
Submissions displayed :
Evolution of bovine and human brucellosis in the wilaya of Blida. S. SELLALI. 8nd veterinary medicine fair, Blida.
Management of surgical pathologies in the pet clinic at ISV Blida. S.SELLALI, C. SAMET, D. ADEL. 2nd veterinary space, Blida.
Descriptive study of foot-and-mouth disease in Algeria: update on the epizootic episode of 2014. S.SELLALI, A. MEROUANI and F. BEN MOHAMED. 1er veterinary space, Blida.
Diagnostic limitations of the indirect ELISA in the case of Q fever. S.SELLALI, H. KHALED and A. BOUYOUCEF. 5th Veterinary Days, Blida (JVB).
Retrospective study on caesarean section in cows. S.SELLALI, N. BENCHENEB, S. BENYAHIA and D. ADEL. 5th Veterinary Days, Blida (JVB).
Survey by questionnaire on abortions in sheep herds in the Center region of Algeria. S.SELLALI, S. HARKAT, H. KHALED, A. BOUYOUCEF. 5th Bio-agro-veterinary fair, Blida.
Serological survey on ovine Q fever in the Center region of Algeria. S.SELLALI, H. KHALED, A. BOUYOUCEF. 12th International Days of Veterinary Sciences, Algiers.
Factors of variation in fetal weight at birth: effect of intrauterine position. D. ISMAIL, D. ADEL, L. ABADA, S.SELLALI, M. BOUZOUANE, R. MERROUCHE, R. BELABBAS. 1er University-Business Forum, Blida.
The effect of position in utero on fetal development in uni-ovariectomized rabbits. D. ISMAIL, D. ADEL, L. ABADA, S.SELLALI, M. BOUZOUANE, R. MERROUCHE, R. BELABBAS. 6th National Exhibition of Veterinary Medicine, Blida.
Uterine capacity in local rabbits: intrauterine position and fetal development. D. ISMAIL, D. ADEL, L. ABADA, S.SELLALI, M. BOUZOUANE, R. MERROUCHE, R. BELABBAS. 4th Life Sciences Fair, Blida.
Q fever is also a pets' zoonosis! S.SELLALI, H. KHALED, A. BOUYOUCEF. The 13th International Symposium: prospects for the 3rd millennium agriculture, Cluj-Napoca, Romania.
Survey by questionnaire on the application of hygiene and prevention measures against infectious zoonoses in slaughterhouses in north-central Algeria. S.SELLALI, H. KHALED, and A. BOUYOUCEF. 5th National Veterinary Fair, Blida.
Professional experiences
Over the years
Teacher researcher
- Class A assistant teacher
- Head of Terminology Module 2 (English)
- Lecturer in the general surgery module
Manager of the veterinary clinic
- clinical manager who is at the level of the experimental station of the Blida1 Institute of Veterinary Sciences.
Head of department
- Head of clinical department at the Institute of Veterinary Sciences (University of Blida 1).