General information from the Laboratory
- Establishment: Saad Dahleb University of Blida1, Institute of Architecture and Urbanism.
- Title of the Laboratory: Oobservatory of the Vcity andAarchitecture in Mutations Urbanes and Spatiales
- Acronym of the Lab: OVAMUS
- Lab creation date: December 11, 2022.
- Lab Director: Pr. Mustapha Ben hamouche
- Address :University of Blida 1, Route Soumâa Bp 270 Blida (09000) Algeria, Institute of Architecture and Urbanism.
- Tel /Fax: .
- E-mail address:
- Order 245 of 11/12/2022 establishing the creation of the OVAMUS laboratory among several research laboratories within higher education establishments.
Presentation of the Laboratory
- The observation of the transformations and mutations experienced by the Algerian city (and architecture) in its geographical diversity, through its history.
- The implementation of forecast scenarios for urban growth and probable states of the city and architecture.
- The use of ICT (new information and telecommunications technologies) and their application to Algerian cities and architectures, and the exploitation of the virtual domain; Smart-City or intelligent city
- The exploitation of various urban theories as epistemological and educational sources.
- The reconstruction and periodization of urban history through the precolonial (Ottoman), colonial, and postcolonial periods and the enhancement of urban and architectural heritage.
- Professional contribution and management (subcontracting) of study projects in architecture and town planning, and expertise on loan from public authorities and private companies.
Objective of the Laboratory
- Control of urban growth and changes in the Algerian cities of Mitidja
- Decision support for urban development policies and profitability of analysis work and development of strategic plans
- Dissemination of knowledge of geo-spatial digitization and modeling
- Supporting public authorities in the application of sustainable development in their territories.