Lecturer A
Director of the Institute of Architecture and Urban Planning
Lecturer A
Director of the Institute of Architecture and Urban Planning
My Diplomas and Training in
1988 - 1993
State Architect
State Architect, Polytechnic School of Architecture and Urban Planning.
1995 - 2002
Master's degree in architecture Polytechnic School of Architecture and Urban Planning.Specialty : Preservation of historical sites and monuments at the Polytechnic School of Architecture and Urban Planning of Algiers
November 2006
Qualification certificate
Qualified architect of monuments and protected historic sites, issued by the Ministry of Culture.
March 2017
Doctorate in Science
Doctor of science; option in materials engineering, specialty in archaeological materials, with very honorable mention and congratulations from the jury
September 2021
University accreditation to continue research work,
Professional experiences
Over the years
Deputy director in charge of teaching at the National School of Restoration and Conservation of Cultural Property ENCRBC.
Deputy Director in charge of teaching, Institute of Architecture and Urban Planning, Saad Dahleb University, Blida1
October 2023 to the present
Director, Institute of Architecture and Urban Planning, Saad Dahleb University, Blida1
1995 – 1999 : Polytechnic School of Architecture and Urban Planning: Part-time teacher, responsible for tutorials on the Module: Critical History of Architecture, for 3rd year graduation students
2001-2006 : Assistant Professor (B), University of Bejaia: Department of Civil Engineering: Teacher, in charge of Modules:
– Architecture and technical drawing, for 3rd year graduation students
– Equipment for students in 5th year graduation
– Urban planning for 5th year graduation students.
2007 to 2011 : Assistant professor (A), Lecturer at the University of Blida, Department of Architecture:
- Architecture workshop, for 1st year graduation students
- Architecture workshop, for 3st year graduation students
- Critical History of Architecture module for 2nd year graduation students
2011 to 2015 : Assistant professor (A), Lecturer at the National School of Conservation and Restoration of Cultural Property, teaching the module: “History of materials and construction systems”.
2016 to March 2017: Assistant Professor (A), Lecturer at the Institute of Architecture and Urban Planning, University of Blida1, Department of Architecture.
- History of Architecture course /L2
- Course History of architecture from the 19th to the 20th century in Algeria
- Workshop Project workshop M2, Master “Heritage and architecture”
March 2017 to date : Lecturer (A), Lecturer at the Institute of Architecture and Urban Planning, University of Blida, Department of Architecture
- History of Architecture course/L2
- Introduction to scientific research and dissertation writing course /M1
- M2 Research Master’s supervision
- Supervision of several end-of-study theses (Master2):
2005/2006 : End of study dissertation 5th year Civil Engineering: Study of a heating installation at the former court of Bejaia
2007 / 2009 : Co-supervision of several end-of-study dissertations 5th year Architecture, “Materials and traditional construction techniques” (MATEC) options, at the Department of Architecture, Saad Dahleb University, Blida.
2009/2010 : Supervision of a 5th year end-of-study thesis, as part of a PFE, “historic urban landscapes” options, at the Department of Architecture, Saad Dahleb University, Blida.
2016/2017 /2018 /2019 : Supervision of Master2 research dissertation, “Heritage and architecture” and “Architecture, environment and technology” options.
2019-2020: Supervision of Master2 research dissertation, “Heritage and architecture” and
- LMD PhD supervision
- 2017 to present: LMD PhD supervision, sector: Architecture and heritage
Doctoral student: AKOUCHE Maya
Title: Characterization of traditional materials and testing to improve the physical, mechanical performance and structural behavior of historic buildings in Algiers and Bejaia.
- 2022 to present: LMD PhD supervision, sector: Architecture and heritage
Doctoral student: BOUCHA Fahima
Title: Development of an interactive database (virtual cartography) of hydraulic engineering structures in Algeria from the 19th to the 20th century and modeling of their mechanical behavior in the face of seismic and hydrodynamic stress.
- 2022 to present: LMD PhD supervision, sector: Architecture and heritage
Doctoral student: CERBAH Chahrazed
Title: Development of a collaborative platform for the digital promotion of Algerian heritage
N.Abderrahim Mahindad
Application of new survey technologies for 3D restitution And the architectural study of the Spanish fort Gourraya in Bejaia (Algeria)And the architectural study of the Spanish fort Gourraya in Bejaia (Algeria), Defensive architecture of the Mediterranean: 2023 - Pisa University Press
N. Abderrahim Mahindad
Influence of natural additives and crushed bricks on the physical and mechanical properties of repair and restoration mortars, International Journal of Physical Sciences, Vol. 15(2), pp. 60-69, April-June, 2020
DOI: 10.5897/IJPS2020.4867
N.Abderrahim Mahindad
2020, The architectural and constructive characteristics of the medieval wall of Bejaia city during the Hamamdite period, Defensive Architecture of meditterranean/Vol X/ed.Navarro Plazon-Garcia Pulido,2020. https.//dx.doi.org/10.4495/FORTMED2020.2020.11.381
N.Abderrahim Mahindad
The use of bricks in Spanish buildings in Bejaia (1509-1555) between influence and innovation, in Construire! Between Antiquity and the Modern Era, (Gilles Bienvenu et al), Editions Picard, pp. 149-156, 2019.
N.Abderrahim Mahindad
The Casemates of Citadel of Algiers: strategy of conservation and reuse, Defensive Architecture of the Mediterranean. Marotta, Spallone (eds.) Politecnico di Torino, Vol VIII, pp. 419-423, 2018.
N.Abderrahim Mahindad
A monographic Study of the Military Forts Of the city of Bejaia and an analysis of their building systems, Defensive Architecture of the Mediterranean. XV to XVIII centuries, Echarri Iribarren (Ed), Publicacions Universitat d’Alacant, Vol V, pp. 359-361, 2017.
N. Abderrahim. Mahindad, Mr. Hamiane
Characterization of mortars from the Ottoman period in Algiers (Algeria) through their physical and chemical properties, International Journal of physical sciences, Vol.11(17), pp. 217-224, September 2016
N. Abderrahim. Mahindad
Inventory of the urban and architectural heritage of the city of Bejaïa, Dufrêne, Bernadette (dir.), Patrimoines du Maghreb et inventories, Paris: Hermann, 2016,
N. Abderrahim. Mahindad, Mr. Hamiane
Comparative study of materials and construction typologies during the Ottoman period in Algeria and their evolution during the first French interventions (1555-1850 in Fleury F. & al. (dirs), The times of construction – Processes, actors, materials, Editions Picard, Paris, April 2016, pp. 47-56.
N. Abderrahim. Mahindad
The consequence of modern life in the Casbah of Ageries, Libro comunicaciones, Papers Books; III International Congress on Documentation, Conservation and Reutilization of the Architectural and Landscape Heritage, VALENCIA | 22, 23 and 24 of October 2015, pages 985-992.
N. Abderrahim Mahindad, M. Hamiane
Historic Mortars and RILEM TC 203- RHM Final workshop, HMC 2010 “Identification of Mortars in the Ottoman Era in Algeria through Historical Documentation and Laboratory Analyses”, ed 2010, p 257- 263.
December 11 to 12, 2023
Beyond the conservation of the casbah of Algiers: what place for contemporary architecture in protected areas?, IAU_ETAP, Blida1 University. Title of the communication: Which materials for which contemporary project in the protected area?
28 to 29 November 2023
National Seminar: Built heritage and sustainable development: Knowledge, characterization, performance and promotion, IAU_ETAP Blida1 University Title of the communication: Lhe role of natural adjuvants in improving the mechanical and physical performance of repair mortars.
28 to 29 November 2023
National Seminar: Built heritage and sustainable development: Knowledge, characterization, performance and promotion, IAU_ETAP, Blida1 University Title of the communication: Preserving Heritage, Building the Future: A bridge established or to be established between Built Heritage and Development.
11 at 13 July 2023
5th Congress of Middle East and Muslim World Studies, Lyon2 University. Title of the communication « Comparative study of constructive techniques and construction materials of Hammadi and Spanish buildings in the city of Bejaïa »
March 23-25, 2023
Fortification of the Mediterranean coast. Title of communication: “ Application of new survey technologies for 3D restitution And the architectural study of the Spanish fort Gourraya in Bejaia (Algeria)And the architectural study of the Spanish fortGourraya in Bejaia (Algeria)”
November 2022
WORKSHOP “The impact of digital tools on architecture and heritage conservation”. IAU_Blida University1. Title of the communication “ Digital technology as a new means for the conservation and enhancement of built heritage.
May 2022
Heritage study day: Built and urban heritage »Feedback from professional experiences and scientific research, IAU_Université Blida1. The title of the communication: Zaouia Tidjania de Boussemghoune: Heritage to be preserved and enhanced
November 18, 2021
Algiers-Hispanic Syposium: The constructive culture in the Muslim West, Tlemcen: “The constructive techniques of the aqueducts of Ottoman Algiers and the characterization of their construction materials: case of the Aïn Zeboudja aqueduct”
2th - 3th June 2021
4th French-speaking Congress on the history of construction
“history of construction, history of humanity, Tlemcen: “Identification and restitution of the drinking water supply system inside the Citadel of Algiers during the Ottoman period between the 16th and 19th centuries”.
2th - 3th June 2021
4th French-speaking Congress on the history of construction
“history of construction, history of humanity, Tlemcen: “Identification and restitution of the drinking water supply system inside the Citadel of Algiers during the Ottoman period between the 16th and 19th centuries”.