Head of Department of Architectural and Urban Heritage (DPAU)
The Institute of Architecture and Urban Planning (IAU) of the University of Blida 1 has a physical and professional framework adapted and dedicated to the built heritage. Indeed, the Department of Architectural and Urban Heritage (DPAU) was created by Executive Decree No. 13-163 of April 15, 2013 creating the Institute of Architecture and Urban Planning Blida1 (article 2).
It has a potential for specialized and qualified supervision in the field of the restoration and rehabilitation of the built heritage. These teacher-restorers mostly work on the ground by supervising restoration projects throughout the country. The socio-professional roots of the Institute of Architecture and Town Planning and the potential of its teachers make the recently opened department an ideal university space for teaching architectural heritage professions.
The proposal for professional training in Rehabilitation of the built heritage is in progress, while teaching commissions are looking into the design of other offers, in particular in specialized post-graduation. These training courses, currently under construction, are designed to allow professional integration in the field of architectural production in line with situations relating to the rehabilitation of old buildings and urban renewal while respecting the historic environment and the renewal architectural heritage. Area dedicated to the housing and culture sectors. It also allows a better immersion in the world of entrepreneurship relating to the field of architecture thanks to the assistance of the business center of the University of Blida 1. The subjects taught focus on techniques and methods relating to the management of rehabilitation projects through end-of-study projects. A training allowing the learner to acquire the technical and professional skills for the mastery of the architectural work, in particular within the framework of the rehabilitation, renewal and durability of the built heritage (From the diagnosis to the execution file). Secondly, they allow the student to learn about scientific research.
Thus, through these professionalizing lessons in the city's trades, the Institute of Architecture of Blida 1 is in tune with the recommendations of the supervisory authority concerning the professionalization of teaching and the reforms undertaken in order to meet national socio-economic needs. To do this, partnership and co-sponsorship agreements are established with various institutions.
Finally, the virtue of the teaching provided by our fellow teachers and researchers, mostly practicing architects, results from an educational approach aligned with the reality of the field and combining science, technology and culture.
We welcome our students and good luck to our community of teachers. We would like to thank our partners and all those who have participated, from far or near, in its realization, particularly the management and the scientific council of the Institute of Architecture Blida 1.