Institute of Architecture and Urban Planning

Team 5 ETAP

Team 5

Urban architecture, fabric manufacturing and the environment

Historically, the architectural and urban field is the testimony and manifestation of periods of construction, reconstruction, tabula rasa. This process is deeply marked by socio-economic, ecological, technological and governance changes. According to the first principle of the 1992 Rio Declaration on Development and the Environment: “Human beings are at the center of concerns for sustainable development, they have the right to a healthy and productive life in harmony with nature”. In this respect, a new approach to environmental, ecological, economic and even social problems imposes a new vision of the urban fabric and a new term.

The man and his environment is then at the center of our questions. The research aims to explore and prospect old and new approaches and techniques for staging architectural, urban and landscape visions. In this sense, the vernacular fabrics whose proven architecture has shown strong durability and resilience is the first to be questioned, also the period of industrialization with the attempts to architect habitat systems via technical progress and the search for a standard city and a standard man will be revisited. Currently, the generalization of the urban and the return to the urban island as the morphological component par excellence of the city is taking center stage. The return to the historicist approach which has shown its effectiveness for understanding the architecture of the city, especially after the failure of modernism (mechanical aspect of the urban) and the appearance of DMM and intelligence artificial are the conductors and incubators of the fabric of the sustainable urban.

Moreover, today we are witnessing another urban operationality such as urban renewal, the regeneration of urban fabrics under the vision of an urban project carrying a message of hope. At the dawn of this third millennium, the hypertext society and the development of NTIC also challenges us to reconsider our relationship to an urban architecture, inclined to borrowings from linguistics, where the dichotomies are at work: synchronic/diachronic, content / containing, signified/signifying, paradigmatic/syntagmatic, desynchronization/resynchronization…etc.

Our research is also based on systemic and phenomenal approaches taking into account the complexity and scientific transversality as predicted by Edgar Morin. In this sense, our line of research objectively touches on new ways of thinking, planning and staging under the urban project vision in tune with the commandments of sustainable development, new technology, the preservation of ecosystems and the environment. , the inclusive city ecosystem and the ancestral identity practices to be protected and safeguarded.

Our work focuses on the making of urban fabrics as an interaction between public policies and social logics. The fabric of living is a priority as an image of the urban city (balance between the urban and the landscape) via social practices. Our vision also looks at the fabric of urban entities with particular problems such as the city/sea divide, the rurality/urbanity dichotomy, the neighborhood/inter-district scale and certain micro-zones. To achieve our objectives, we will stage sustainable urban strategies such as labeling approaches and urban reading approaches. The historical aspect of the manufacture of urban fabrics is central to understanding setbacks and crownings, knowing that urban fabric is a long constructive process.

The study of examples of so-called sustainable neighborhoods will focus on reading their feedback in terms of compliance with the urban system concept advocated at the outset. At the end of this scientific course, the question arises of the possibility of generalizing a model or a conception of a systemic or phenomenal factory. This research will focus on the conditions (in the sense of the road ahead), namely: political, social and economic controls, educational tools.

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