Faculty of natural and life sciences

License-Forestry Training

Formation's goal

Career opportunities

The proposed lesson emphasizes the importance to be given to forestry as a driving force for development but also as a fundamental element for better knowledge and better conservation of biological diversity. The lessons therefore relate to the knowledge of natural environments and resources as well as the understanding of social dynamics. At the end of the training, the trained executives will have the necessary skills, in particular on the biology of forest species, their agronomic, forestry, ecological, economic and industrial interest. Also, they will be able to help in public decision-making and enlighten citizens on the issues and consequences of production methods, by providing the basis for recommendations and expertise in terms of risks concerning the environment (disappearance of fauna, flora and the risk of fire).


Beyond its size and its geographical structure, the Mitidja presents a great diversity of territorial development models and social cohesion issues. The agricultural and forestry sector in the wilaya of Blida remains very attractive with regard to the immense development potential of the Mitidja plain, as well as the existing forest environment by its area and the extent of its national park and the he arboretum represent a non-negligible capital on the territorial level. Future graduates can apply for jobs in the public and private sector, both in forestry, conservation, biodiversity engaged in the social context of forestry.

Target professions:

  • Directorate General of Forests,
  • the National Forest Research Institute (INRF),
  • National Institute for Plant Protection (INPV),
  • High Commission for Steppe Development (HCDS), – Private nurseries.
  • Chrea National Park. – Conservation of forests.
  • the various regional directorates of the forestry sector.
  • National Center for the Development of Biological Resources (CNDRB)

Profile of students:

Initial training By law for students in the SNV field after validation of L2 achievements in the sector.

Know-how and skills

Practical lessons are provided to students to enable them to acquire the fundamental techniques used in the following areas:

  • General forestry
  • Forest Ecology
  • Dendrometry
  • Forest management

Biochemistry License Program

1st year (Common Core)

1 semester

2 semester

2nd year

3 semester

S3 CM TD TP Credits coefficient link to course
Teaching unit : Fundamental EU

Microbiological engineering

3 1.5 0 6 3 link

Microbial Biomolecules and Valorization

3 0 1.5 6 3 link

Molecular markers and phylogeny

3 1.5 0 6 3 link
Teaching unit : EU methodology

Bioinformatics and biological sequence analyzes

1.5 1.5 0 4 2 link

Separative techniques

1.5 1 1.5 5 3 link
Teaching unit : EU discovery

Research and Valorization of results

1.5 0 0 1 1 link
Teaching unit : transversal unit


1.5 1.5 0 2 2 link


4 semester

S4 CM TD TP Credits coefficient link to course
Teaching unit : Intership


0 0 0 30 17 link
3nd year

 Semester 5 

 Teaching unit

fundamental teaching units

VHS weekly VH  Credits Assessment method
 14-16 weeks  C  TD  TP  Other coefficient Continuous (40%) Exam (60%)
Subject 1: General forestry  67h  3h  -  1h  82h  3  6  x  x
Subject2: Forest ecology  45h  1h  -  1h  55h  2  4  x  x
Subject 1: Dendrometry 45h 1h 1h - 55h 2 4 x x
Subject 2: Forest pedology 45h 1h - 1h 55h  2  4  x  x
EU methodology
Subject 1: Logging  60h  1h  1h  1h  65h  3  5  x  x
Subject2: Experimentation  45h  1h  1h  55h  2  4  x  x
EU discovery
Subject 1: Dendrology 45h 1h 1h 5h 2 2 x x
transversal teaching units
Subject 1: Communication and expression techniques  22h  1h  2h  1  1  Present in several = 100%
Total Semester 5 375 h 13h 4h 7h 375 h 17 30

Semester 6

 Teaching unit

fundamental teaching units

VHS weekly VH  Credits Assessment method
 14-16 weeks  C  TD  TP  Other coefficient Continued




Subject 1: Forest management  45h  1h  1h  55h  2  4  x  x
Material2: Wood technology  45h  1h  1h  -  55h  2  4  x  x
Subject 1: Economics and forestry legislation  22h  1h  -  27h  1  2  Present in several = 100%
Subject 2: Defense of forests against fires  45h  1h  -  1h30*  55h  2  4  x  x
Subject 3: Protection of forests  45h  1h  -  1h  55h  2  4  x  x
EU methodology
Subject 1: Bioclimatology  105h  3h  1h  2h  120h  5  9  x  x
EU discovery
Subject 1: Soil conservation  67h  1h  1h  1h  7h  3  3  x  x
Total Semester 6 375 h 12 h 6h 7h 375 h 17 30