National Center for Artificial Insemination and Genetic Improvement CNIAAG
The purpose of this agreement is to maintain and strengthen relations of cooperation and exchange in the scientific, technical and...
The Industrial Technology Research Center
The purpose of this agreement is to define the terms of collaboration and exchange between the CRTI and USDB1 in matters of scientific, educational and...
مديرية الثقافة و الفنون لولاية المدية
يشمل موضوع الإتفاقية كل النشاطات و الفعاليات العلمية و كذا الأعمال الميدانية التي من شأنها أن تخدم التكوين و البحث العلمي تفعيلا مما يعود بالفائدة على الممتلكات...
ديوان حماية وادي ميزاب و ترقيته
يشمل موضوع الإتفاقية كل النشاطات و الفعاليات العلمية و كذا الأعمال الميدانية التي من شأنها أن تخدم التكوينو البحث العلمي تفعيلا و إثراء ومما يعود بالفائدة على الممتلكات...
مديرية الثقافة و الفنون لولاية بجاية
يشمل موضوع الإتفلقية كل النشاطات و الفعليات العلمية و كذا الأعمال الميدانية التي من شأنها أن تخدم التكوين و البحث العلمي، تفعيلا و إثراء، مما يعود بالفائدة على...
the Algiers-Hodna-Soummam Hydrographic Basin Agency (ABH-AHS)
and areas of cooperation The purpose of this agreement is to maintain and strengthen relations of cooperation and exchanges in the areas...
إذاعة البليدة الجهوية
الهدف من هذه الإتفاقية هو تحقيق تعاون مستمر بين جامعة سعد دحلب البل يدة1 و إذاعة البليدة لإستخدام خبراتهما و لإمكانياتهما تحقيق التقارب بين نشاطات البحث العلمي ...
Faculty of Material Sciences (FSM) Ibn Khaldoun Tiaret University
The purpose of this agreement is to define the practical modalities of scientific and technical collaboration between partners in the field of analysis...
الوكالة الوطنية للتشغيل
تقضي هذه الإتفاقية بين الفرع الولائي للتشغيل بالبيدة و جامony طلبة الجامعيين من خلال نوادي البحث عن العمل ...
يشمل موضوع الإتفاقية كل النشاطات و الفعاليات العلمية و كذا الأعمال الميدانية التي من شأنها أن تخدم التكوين و البحث العلمي تفعيلا اثر اء مما يعود بالفائدة على الممتلكات...
EHC Anti-cancer Center (CAC) Blida Hopital Frantz Fanon
the main scientific objective of this convention is, on the one hand, to initiate a scientific collaboration which will materialize through joint publications and...
Zèralda Hunting Center (CCZ)
This agreement is established in order to define the terms of scientific and technical collaboration between the Zèralda hunting center and the Saad University...
Approved professional training establishment specializing in interior decoration “Sublime Work”
the provision of training in interior design and decoration for the benefit of students of the Institute of Architecture and Urban Planning during the academic year...
The EPAU Polytechnic School of Architecture and Urban Planning
the two establishments decide to establish a cooperation agreement in order to continue the development of shared actions in terms of teaching and...
laboratory of energy processes and nanotechnologies (LPEN) and laboratory of Energy Applications of Hydrogen (LAPEH)
The purpose of this agreement is to define the practical arrangements for scientific and technical collaboration between the two partners in the field of analysis...
(المجلس الشعبي البلدي لبلدية بوسعادة
يتمحور موضوع هذه الإتفاقية حول التعاون العلمي الوثائقي بين بلدية ب وسعادة و جامعة سعد دحلب البليدة1 خاصة ما يخص التراث المعماري و العمرا ني من بن اهدافهما هم كالتالي....
Becker Laboratory
Beker Laboratory The purpose of this agreement is to define the conditions of collaboration and exchange, relating to the areas of training, research, etc.
RAYHANE Laboratoire (Joint company)
The purpose of this agreement is to establish and develop between SPA Rayhane and Blida1 University. the foundations of a relationship of mutual cooperation and...
أكاديمية التعليم العالي و البحث العلمي اسطنبول تركيا
تهدف هذه الإتفاقية إلى وضع الإطار العام الذي يتم من خلاله تنسيق الت عاون بين الطرفين لمساعدة في إستقبال طلبة الدراسات العليا و موظفى وأ ساتذة في إطار التربص قصير المدى...
El Kendi Medicine industry
The purpose of this agreement is to define the conditions of collaboration and exchange, relating to the areas of scientific research training...
laboratory of energy processes and nanotechnologies (LPEN) and laboratory of chemical engineering (LGC) Blida University 1
The purpose of this agreement is to define the practical arrangements for scientific and technical collaboration between the two partners in the field of analysis...
laboratory of energy processes and nanotechnology (LPEN) and laboratory of physical chemistry of interfaces of materials applied to the environment (CPIMAE)
The purpose of this agreement is to define the practical arrangements for scientific and technical collaboration between the two partners in the field of analysis...
.و الممولة في إطار إعانة الدولة للتسيير المتعلقة بالبحث العلمي و ا لتطوير التكنولوجي ''ATRST'' تهدف هذه الإتفاقية إلى تحديد كيفيات مشاركة ا لطرفين والتزاماتهما المتبادلة...
University of Algiers1 “benyoucef benkhedda”
قامت جامعة سعد دحلب البليدة1 بإبرام إتفاقية الجزائر1 سف بن خدة وذلك غرضها توطيد علاقات في مجالات البحث العلمي و التعليم ا لعالي و الثقافي ويشمل هذا...
Advanced Technologies Development Center (Cooperation Framework Agreement)
Signature of a framework cooperation agreement and an application agreement between the CDTA and Saad Dahlab University - Blida 1 Monday October 2, 2023 on...
Agreement governing the framework for the creation of a joint research team (blida1 university and Djillali Liabés sidi bel abbès university and Saidal research and development center)
The purpose of this Specific agreement is to set the principles, the strategic and scientific objectives, as well as the procedures for implementing...
Algerian Interprofessional Cereals Office
The purpose of this agreement is to define and establish the terms of implementation of a collaboration between the two parties within the framework of their competences...
National Gendarmerie Research and Development Center
This agreement aims to define the objectives, principles and methods of carrying out cooperation in the fields of scientific and technological research...
Technical Institute of Livestock (ITELV)
The two (02) Parties undertake to develop in the field of their mutual concerns and in their mutual interest within the framework of the implementation of the...
الديوان الوطني للحظيرة الثقافية للتاسيلي ن أزجر
: تمت الإتفاقية بين الديوان الوطني للحظيرة الثقافية للتاسبلي ن أز board تحت وصاية وزارة الثقافة و الفنون و جامع يتمحور موضوع هذه الإتفاقية حول التعاون...
The purpose of this agreement is to synergize the skills and know-how of each of the Parties to stimulate the development of the sector...
agreement for the installation of a telecommunications base station between SPA watania Telecom Algérie and University of Blida1. the duration eleven years from...
Chadli Benjedid el Taref University and Research Establishment
The purpose of this agreement is to set the terms of partnership, within the framework of doctoral training in veterinary sciences: wildlife,...
National Higher School (Sheikh Mohamed el Bachir el ibrahimi Kouba (Doctoral Training 2022/2025)
The purpose of this agreement is to highlight the conditions under which the two institutions will be required to cooperate in the areas...
The National Office of Meteorology (2022-2025)
The National Meteorological Office (2022-2025) The purpose of this partnership agreement is to define the general framework of cooperation that the parties agree...
قيادة الحرس الجمهوري
تهدف هذه الإتفاقيىة إلى فتح مجال مشترك للتعاون العلمي و كذا تطوير البحوث قصد إنشاء شراكة قوية و مفيدة في عديد الجوانب المرتبطة بالطب البيطري نظري و تطبيقي بغية تحسين...
مديرية البيئة لولاية البليدة و المؤسسة العمومية الولائية لتسير مراكز الردم التقني لولاية البليinc
مديرية البيئة لولاية البليدة و المؤسسة العمومية الولائية لتسيير م راكز الردم التقني لولاية البليدة زيز و تنمية التعاون بين الجامعة و...
وزارة المنتدبة لدى الوزير الأول المكلفة بالمؤسسات المصغرة
تهدف هذه الإتفاقية إلى تحديد الإطار العام للشراكة بين وزارة التعل يم العالي و البحث العلمي و الوزارة المنتدبة لدى الوزير الأول المكلف ة بالمؤسسات المصغرة قصد تحديد كيفيات...
Cooperation agreement with the el-Harrach material school
Cooperation agreement with the Higher school of el-Harrach material "SCHOOL SUPERIORS OF MATERIAL DEFUNT MOUDJAHID EL -CHEIKH AMOUD BEN EL -MOKHTAR / EL HARRACH" The...
مديرية الحماية المدنية لولاية البليدة
تهدف هذه اللإتفاقية إلى تحديد شروط و كيفية إجراء تكوين من طرف مدير ية الحماية المدنية لولاية البليدة لفائدة الطلاب الجامعين التابعين لجامعة سعد دحلب البليدة1 في...
Agreement with the Tahri Mohammed University of Béchar
Agreement with the Tahri Mohammed University of Béchar The purpose of this agreement is to formalize the partnership aimed at pooling resources through...
M'hamed Boumerdes University (for doctoral training backed by research entities outside the establishments)
Université m'hamed Boumerdes (for doctoral training backed by research entities outside the establishments) The purpose of this agreement is to...
Ibn Khaldoun Tiaret University The purpose of this agreement is to formalize the partnership aimed at pooling resources through the backing of training...
Higher Normal School of Sheikh Mohamed El-Bachir El-Ibrahimi-Kouba
This agreement defines the terms of cooperation and collaboration between the two establishments, namely the University Saad Dahlab Blida1 and the Normal School...
Morsli Abdellah University Center of Tipaza (Partnership and Collaboration Agreement)
Morsli Abdallah University Center of Tipaza This agreement established within the framework of collaboration and exchange between the two parties in the fields of...
YAHIA FARES UNIVERSITY OF MEDEA (Doctoral Training 2021/2022)
The purpose of this framework agreement is to define the general conditions and procedures for implementing scientific, technical and...
Establishments for the development of aeronautical industries The purpose of this contract is to set the main conditions and procedures under which ...
SONATRACH (company for research, production, transport, processing and marketing of hydrocarbons)
SONATRACH The purpose of this Framework Agreement is to set the main areas of intervention, the objectives and the methods of implementation of the...
OFFICE FOR THE PROTECTION AND PROMOTION OF THE M'ZAB VALLEY The purpose of this agreement is to determine the methods of scientific and cultural cooperation...
ديوان المطبوعات الجامعية
ديوان المطبوعات الجامعية تمنح المؤسسة الجامعية الإشراف العام و تزويد الطلبة و الأساتذة الولوج لمحتوى المكتبة الرقمية طوال مدة الإشتراك كما يمكنهم استغلال منصة تضم رصيد...
The Republican Grade Command (Schools Division)
The Republican Grade Command (Schools Division) The purpose of this agreement is to maintain and strengthen relations of cooperation and...
National School of Hydraulics of Blida
The National School of Hydraulics and Saad Dahleb Blida1 University have agreed to develop a lasting collaboration on all activities that...
The Chamber of Agriculture of the Wilaya of Blida
The Chamber of Agriculture of the Wilaya of Blida This agreement, the Chamber of Agriculture of Blida and the University Saad Dahleb Blida1 undertake to develop a...
(الداخلية و الجماعات المحلية و التهيئة العمرانية
تهدف هذه الإتفاقية إلى تكوين الطلبة في مجال الإسعافات الأولية من خلال تنظيم دورات تكوينية من طرف المديرية العامة للحماية المدنية و مدة صلاحيتها إيتداء من 10/04/2021...
The Center for Studies and Technological Services for the Building Materials Industry (CETIM)
The Center for Studies and Technological Services for the Building Materials Industry (CETIM) this agreement aims to establish and develop...
The Center for Studies and Technological Services for the Construction Materials Industry (CETIM) and Laboratory of Physical Chemistry of Materials Interfaces
CETIM and Laboratory of Physical Chemistry of Materials Interfaces The purpose of this agreement is to define the practical methods of collaboration...
Research and Development Unit (EHCC-/1° RM)
Research and Development Unit (EHCC-/1° RM) The purpose of this agreement is to define the areas and research actions to be undertaken between the two...
TONIC INDUSTRIE The purpose of this agreement is to establish the basis for mutually advantageous and beneficial cooperation between TONIC INDUSTRIE and the University...
National Observatory for the Environment and Sustainable Development (Onedd)
National Observatory for the Environment and Sustainable Development The purpose of this agreement is to define the practical methods of collaboration...
National School of Technology (ENST)
National School of Technology The purpose of this agreement is to establish the terms constituting the basis of cooperation between the university blida1 and...
الفرع الولائي للتشغيل بالبليدة
لسياسة الوزارة المكلفة بالتعليم العالي في مجال تعزيز التو اصل و التنسيق بين الجامعة و المحيط الإقتصادي و الإجتماعي من أجل تكر يس العلم و المعرفة لخدمة متطلبات...
Directorate of Vocational Training and Education of Blida
This agreement aims to define the scope of the partnership between the University of Blida1 and the Directorate of Vocational Training and Education, its period of...
Ali Chabati Territorial Air Defense School 2021-2026
Ali Chabati Territorial Air Defense School The purpose of this agreement is to implement the framework agreement for cooperation...
Air Force Development Research Center
Air Force Research and Development Center Scientific research and technological development work on Materials and Treatment of...
ANVREDET 2020-2025
ANVREDET: the National Agency for the Valorization of Research and Technological Development Results (ANVREDET) positions itself as the national instrument allowing...
AMENHYD 2020-2025
AMENHYD is a hydraulics, environment and development company. .. is one of the companies to maintain relationships with...
National Association For Carob Development
National Association For Carob Development Encourage the exchange of experiences and good practices and develop exchanges of expertise in the field of...
National Institute of Veterinary Medicine
National Institute of Veterinary Medicine the principle of this cooperation is to implement research - development and training programs in the...
Yahia Feres Medea University
university yahia feres Médéa - Exchange of knowledge and skills according to the demand and needs of each. - Participation of researchers in the activities of...
CRSTRA 06/2020 To 06/2025
CRSTRA - Welcome researchers, doctoral students and teachers to carry out research. -Setting up of a mixed structure in charge of monitoring and evaluating...