- Article 05: No student is supposed to ignore the internal regulations of the university.
- Article 06: The student card is a personal document, it must be taken care of. It must be presented at the request of the university control services.
- Article 09: It is strictly forbidden for students to introduce a foreign person to the university.
- Article 10: It is strictly forbidden to smoke in the classrooms, amphitheatres, laboratories, libraries and corridors.
- Article 11: The student can only take an object belonging to the institution out of the university with an authorization issued by the authority of the premises.
- Article 15: Students must imperatively switch off their mobile phones during lessons.
It is strictly forbidden to bring cell phones or any other telecommunications device into the examination rooms.
- Article 17: The student can only take courses with a view to obtaining a diploma if he is regularly registered.
- Article 18: The registration formalities for oriented or transferred students are carried out at the education office, under the Vice-Rectorate in charge of higher education for the first and second cycles, continuing education and diplomas.
- Article 19: The student must pay the registration fees for each academic year according to the schedule established by the education services.
- Article 21: Registration and pre-registration of students are annual and unique. All students must register or re-register at the beginning of each academic year.
- Article 23 : During the final registration, the student is issued with a certificate of schooling as well as a student card, which can be requested from him at any time within the establishment, particularly during exams. This card must be renewed each academic year, as part of regular re-registration by the establishment.
In the event of loss or destruction of an educational document, a duplicate of the said document may be drawn up and issued upon presentation of a declaration of loss duly established by the national security authorities or by the national gendarmerie. Under no circumstances may a second duplicate be issued.
- Article 24: A bachelor can only benefit from a single university registration even if he holds several bachelor's degrees and this, within the same establishment or in any other establishment of higher education.
- Article 25: The student can enroll in a university structure with a view to obtaining a second degree in a sector only after obtaining the first degree.
- Article 31: The original of the provisional certificate of the baccalaureate or the foreign diploma recognized as equivalent, can only be withdrawn once the "studies have been completed and the definitive diploma has been established or, where applicable, following abandonment or a voluntary interruption of studies, and this, at the request of the student and against a discharge.
- Article 32: If the student suspends or abandons his studies and requests the withdrawal of the original of the provisional certificate of the baccalaureate or of the foreign diploma recognized as equivalent, the mention of cancellation of registration will be obligatorily written on the back of the certificate.
- Article 33 : If he is the subject of an exclusion, pronounced by the disciplinary council of the establishment, the student cannot withdraw his provisional certificate of the baccalaureate, or of the foreign diploma recognized as equivalent, only after the extinction of Punishment.
- Article 34: Academic leave can only be granted once during the university course.
- Article 35: The student can suspend his registration for exceptional reasons such as:
– chronic disabling disease
- maternity
– long-term illness
- National service
– family obligations (relating to ascendants and/or descendants, displacement of the spouse or parents related to the function, etc.)
A certificate of academic leave must be issued to him by the competent authority of his establishment. The management of academic leave is left to the discretion of the establishment.
- Article 36: The reasoned request for academic leave must be submitted to the educational services of the structure to which it is attached, except in cases of force majeure, before the first exams.
- Article 39: A regularly registered student is declared, by the head of department, to have dropped out of studies for the academic year, if he does not attend any organized course, tutorials, tutorials or internships during a semester of the year. 'college year.
A regularly registered student is considered excluded for the academic year, if he is declared to have dropped out of studies during a semester of the academic year.
- Article 42: The student is required to respect his section and group assignment posted at the beginning of the year or semester and to show punctuality at all his teaching sessions.
Article 43 : The student is required to respect the teaching hours.
- Article 44: If the teacher is late, students are required to wait at least 15 minutes before leaving the educational site.
- Article 45: Any absence must be justified to the department or the administrative services of the faculty within a period not exceeding 3 working days.
- Article 46: Attendance is controlled by the teacher. It intervenes in the calculation of the average of the continuous control. Absent students will be reported to the department concerned.
- Article 47 : The objective of the course is to teach the subject to be taught. The presence of the student in class is essential. The compulsory character of the presence is left to the appreciation of the pedagogical team.
- Article 48: Tutorials (TD) are intended to help the student to assimilate and deepen the knowledge presented during the course by means of application exercises or any other educational activity left to the initiative of the team. pedagogic.
- Article 49: Practical work (TP) aims to help the student to put into practice some or all of the knowledge provided in the course and deepened in tutorials. They can also be used as an illustration or support during the course.
- Article 50: The presence of students in tutorials (TD) is compulsory. The teacher in charge of the tutorials must carry out an attendance check at each session in order to take absences into account in the evaluation procedure.
- Article 51: The presence of students in practical work (TP) is compulsory. The teacher in charge of the practical work must carry out, at each session, an attendance check in order to take into account absences in the evaluation procedure.
- Article 52 : Wearing regulatory clothing (work coat, etc.) is compulsory in the laboratories or in the workshops.
- Article 54: Attendance at tutorials (TD) and practical work (TP) is compulsory throughout the semester.
- Article 55: Three (3) unjustified absences or five (5) even justified absences at the tutorial sessions (TD) of a subject leads to the exclusion of the subject and the teaching unit (UE of which it is part) in respect of the academic year.
- Article 56: Students concerned by continuous medical checks or therapeutic acts (hemodialysis, etc.) or those regularly required for elite sports competitions, benefit from a particular attendance regime in relation to the requirements of their constraint.
- Article 57: The justified absence to a session of practical work "TP" (laboratory, training ground) entitles the student to a replacement session, during the semester, if the conditions allow it. Otherwise, the TP will not be counted during the evaluation.
Unjustified absence from a practical work session (Laboratory, field and internships) is sanctioned by a score of zero (00) on the practical work concerned. In this case, the student cannot benefit from a remedial session.
Unjustified absences for more than a third (1/3) of the practical work sessions (TP) lead to exclusion from the subject and from the teaching unit of which it is a part for the current semester.
- Article 58: The justification of absence must reach the services of the department within three (3) working days following the date of the absence at the tutorial session (TD) or practical work (TP) concerned under penalty of being rejected. In the case of a sending by postal mail, it must be posted within the same deadlines, the seal of it being taken.
The justification of absence must be stamped by the head of department who will specify the date of submission before sending it to the head of the subject or the teaching unit concerned. This document is placed in the student's file.
- Article 59: The justified absence to a final exam entitles the student to the resit exam of the test concerned.
Unjustified absence from a final exam is penalized by a score of zero (00) for the test concerned. In this case, the student cannot benefit from the resit examination of the test concerned.
- Article 60: Cases of justified absences:
– death of ascendants, descendants and collaterals; (death certificate – 03 days of absence allowed)
– marriage of the person concerned (marriage certificate – 03 days of absence allowed).
– paternity or maternity of the person concerned (birth certificate – 03 days of absence allowed).
– hospitalization of the person concerned (hospitalization certificate – number of days of absence allowed according to the length of hospitalization).
– illness of the person concerned; (medical certificate of work stoppage issued by a sworn doctor - number of days of absence allowed depending on the duration of the work stoppage.
– requisition or official summons; (requisition document issued by the competent authority - number of days of absence allowed depending on the duration of the activity).
– other duly justified cases of major impediment.
- Article 61: The justification of absence must reach the services of the department within three (3) working days following the date of the examination under penalty of being rejected. In the case of a sending by post, it must be posted within the same deadlines, the postmark being taken as proof.
The justification of absence must be stamped by the head of department who will specify the date of submission before sending it to the person in charge of the subject or of the teaching unit. This document is placed in the student's file.
- Article 69: The Disciplinary Board is hierarchical and organized to exercise disciplinary power over students. To this end, it is instituted at the university:
Le Faculty disciplinary council deals with first degree offences. This council is chaired by the Dean of the faculty or his representative.
Le University Disciplinary Board deals with second degree offences. This council is chaired by the Rector of the University or his representative.
- Article 70: Any violation duly noted is brought to the attention of the head of the competent educational structure in writing within forty-eight (48) working hours following the facts.
- Article 71: Depending on the seriousness of the offense committed, precautionary measures may be taken by the dean or the rector, pending the meeting of the disciplinary council.
- Article 72: The file presented to the Disciplinary Board must include:
– The official referral to the Disciplinary Board dated and signed by the head of the competent educational structure.
– A detailed report highlighting the following key points:
1- The identity of the complainant,
2- the detailed account of the facts,
3- the description of the damage,
4- the names of any witnesses,
5- summary of the student's academic situation and all the evidence.
- Article 73: The first degree offenses are as follows:
- attempt to cheat the exam,
- fraud established and recognized on examination,
- verbal or gestural deviation towards all university staff,
- intra or extra-mural sound disturbances during lessons or exams (voices, cell phone ringing, music, etc.),
- refusal to obey instructions from university staff,
- Article 74: The second degree offenses are as follows:
- recidivism of first degree offences,
- premeditated fraud established during the exam (passing drafts or copies, cheat sheet, mobile phone and accessories of all generations, programmable calculator, electronic equipment, etc.).
- hindrance to the smooth running of the university (violence, threats, threat and assault of any kind, organized disorder),
- refusal to obey instructions from the teaching staff in the exercise of these functions,
- deliberate action of disturbance and characterized disorder affecting the smooth running of educational activities,
- identity theft, forgery and use of forgery, falsification and substitution of administrative documents,
- defamation of all university staff and students,
- theft, breach of trust and misappropriation of property of the university, teachers and students,
- refusal to comply with regulatory control over the university,
- Possession of any means for the purpose of harming the physical integrity of university staff and students.
- Article 75: The offenses mentioned for the 1st and 2nd degree of these regulations are not exhaustive. Any misconduct judged as such by a disciplinary council is qualified as a first or second degree offense depending on its seriousness and its consequences on the university community. The disciplinary council being judge.
- Article 76: The penalties applicable to first degree offenses are fixed as follows:
- verbal warning,
- the written warning placed in the student's educational file,
- the blame placed in the student's educational file,
- Article 77: The penalties applicable to offenses of the second degree are fixed as follows:
- exclusion for a semester or a year,
- exclusion for two (2) years,
- permanent exclusion.
- Article 78: The disciplinary sanctions pronounced by the disciplinary councils do not prejudge, moreover, the proceedings provided for by the legislation and the regulations in force.
- Article 79: Students who have committed an offense are summoned to be heard by the faculty disciplinary council or by the university disciplinary council, as the case may be.
- Article 80: The student in violation may call upon his TD or Section delegate and his tutor to assist him.
- Article 81: If the student in question does not respond to the convocation, the meeting is postponed, a second convocation will be sent to him, if the student does not appear before the disciplinary council following the second convocation, the latter will sit and will pronounce his verdict.
- Article 82: Pending the decision of the Disciplinary Board, for cases of fraud and offenses of the second degree, reasoned precautionary measures are imperative and can be taken by the head of the competent educational body.
- Article 83: The decision of the Disciplinary Board is notified to the person concerned within 72 hours following the holding of the said Board.
- Article 85: The student has a right of appeal against the sanction decision within eight (08) days following the date of notification of the decision.
- Article 86: After the appeal period, the decision of the Disciplinary Board is:
- notified to the interested party,
- recorded in their student file,
- displayed in the establishment
- is communicated to other higher education establishments if the sanction is exclusion from at least one semester.
- Article 87: When new and constituted elements appear in a case, after its judgment, the student can address a legal recourse to the authority which pronounced the sanction. The Rector, or the dean seizes new the disciplinary council which ruled on the business.
- Article 88: After accomplishment of the sanction, the student is reinstated in all his university rights.
- Article 111: During the control tests, the students are required to respect all the directives issued by the supervising teachers.
- Article 112: No student is allowed to participate in an event:
– if he is not registered on the official lists of the establishment,
– if he arrives thirty (30) minutes after the subjects have been distributed.
- Article 114: A strict control of the identity of the students must be carried out during the course of the tests.
- Article 116: After each exam, the teacher responsible for the subject must display the standard answer key for the test and the detailed grading scale.
- Article 117: All grades must be posted before the deliberations so that any error in report and/or calculation of the average is notified to the teacher and corrected, if necessary, by the latter before the deliberations.
- Article 118: The student has the right to consult his exam papers after each test. Remedial exams do not give the right to consult the exam papers.
- Article 119: The student who is not satisfied with his mark, after consulting his copy of the standard answer key with scale, may lodge an appeal no later than two working days after the date of the said consultation. After this period, no appeal will be accepted.
The processing of the appeal may give rise to a counter-correction.
- Article 120: The handwritten request for counter-correction must be addressed to the head of department who will take the necessary measures for the appointment, under the seal of anonymity, of a counter-corrector who is of higher or equal rank in the same specialty as the corrective teacher.
- Article 121: At the end of the counter-correction, the score obtained is compared with the initial score. In this case :
– if the difference between the second mark and the initial mark is less than three (3) points, the arithmetic mean between the two marks will be retained.
– if the second score is higher than the initial score and the difference noted is greater than or equal to three (3) points, the highest score will be retained.
– if the second mark is lower than the initial mark and the discrepancy noted is greater than or equal to three (3) points, the lowest mark will be retained definitively and the student will be brought before the Disciplinary Board.
- Article 122: At the end of the counter-correction, the student does not have the right to consult his exam paper.
- Article 123: At the end of the consultation of the exam papers by the students and any counter-corrections, the marks and the exam papers must be sent to the head of department.
The jury is sovereign in its deliberations and its decisions are taken by a simple majority of its members; the voice of its president being preponderant in the event of a tie.
- Article 129: The presence at the deliberations of all the members of the jury is compulsory.
- Article 130: During the deliberations, the members of the jury are responsible for:
- validate the education of students and their results obtained during the semester.
- decide on the admission, deferment or exclusion of students in the subjects, the teaching units and the semester.
- proceed, if necessary, to the redemption of students, on a case-by-case basis, by globally assessing their schooling on the basis of parameters such as attendance, educational progression, participation, discipline, etc. In this case, the note concerned by the redemption must be reduced to 10/20. Redemption is not a right. It falls exclusively within the prerogatives of the jury.
- propose, if necessary, an orientation of the student in situation of failure.
- Article 131 : The members of the jury are required to preserve the secrecy of the deliberations. Failure to observe this rule will expose its author to disciplinary measures.
- Article 134: In the event of an error, duly established, in the entry of marks or the calculation of the average, the student may lodge an appeal, at the latest within three (3) working days following the posting of the minutes of deliberation, with the head of department who will take care of the referral to the jury. Beyond this period, no appeal is accepted.
- Article 135: The same jury is convened again to discuss the appeals introduced by the students and to proceed with the correction of errors.
At the end of these deliberations, a report will be drawn up under the same conditions as the initial report and must bear the mention “corrective report added to the initial report”.
- Article 143: The teaching unit and its constituent subjects are assigned a coefficient and evaluated by a mark.
- Article 144: The teaching unit and the subjects that compose it are measured in credits. The value in credits allocated to them is determined by reference to the semester hourly volume necessary for the acquisition of knowledge and skills through the forms of teaching provided for in article 142 above as well as the volume of activities that the student must carry out for the semester in question (personal work, report, dissertation, internship, etc.).
One (1) credit is equivalent to an hourly volume of 20 to 25 hours per semester including the teaching hours provided to the student by all the forms of teaching provided for in article 142 above and the hours, estimated , personal work of the student. The total value of the credits assigned to the teaching units making up a semester is set at 30.
- Article 147: Training with a view to obtaining a bachelor's degree or a master's degree is organized by field of training, sectors and specialties and offered in the form of standard courses.
- Article 149: The lessons in a training course are organized into study semesters comprising teaching units.
- Article 151: The training courses for obtaining the bachelor's degree are organized in six (06) semesters and articulated in three (03) stages:
- a first step of impregnation, adaptation to university life and disciplinary discovery.
- a second stage of deepening, consolidation of knowledge and progressive orientation.
- a third stage of specialization to acquire knowledge and skills in the chosen specialty.
- Article 152: The training courses for obtaining the master's degree are organized in four (04) semesters and articulated in two (02) stages:
- the first stage is devoted to teaching common to several courses and/or several specialties in the same field as well as to the deepening of knowledge and progressive orientation.
- the second stage is dedicated to the specialization of the training, the initiation to research and the writing of a dissertation.
- Article 153: The organization of postgraduate training is ensured by the Masters training teams grouped into committees, by field.
- Article 156: The evaluation of the student concerns, according to the training course, on:
- The teachings,
- practical work,
- tutorials,
- field trips,
- practical courses,
- seminars,
- personal work.
- Article 160: The teaching unit is definitively acquired for any student who has acquired all the subjects of which it is composed. A subject is acquired if the mark obtained in this subject is equal to or greater than 10/20.
The teaching unit is also acquired by compensation if the average of all the marks obtained in the subjects which constitute it, weighted by their respective coefficients, is or greater than 10/20.
The teaching unit thus acquired entails the acquisition of the credits assigned to it.
In this case, the credits acquired can be capitalized within the same training course and transferable to all the other training courses including the said unit.
The exclusion of a subject making up a teaching unit does not allow the acquisition of this teaching unit by calculating the average of the marks obtained in the other subjects which make it up.
The semester can also be acquired by compensation between the different teaching units of the following subject: The general average for the semester is calculated on the basis of the averages obtained in the teaching units making up the semester, weighted by their respective coefficients. The semester is then acquired if this average is equal to or greater than 10/20. The semester thus acquired entails the acquisition of the thirty (30) credits allocated to it.
The exclusion of a student from a subject or a teaching unit does not allow him compensation.
- Article 162: In the event of failure in the first session, the student attends the remedial session for the tests relating to the teaching units not acquired. In this case, the student retains the benefit of the subjects acquired in accordance with article 160 above and takes the examination tests for the subjects not acquired.
In the case of a teaching unit acquired within the framework of the compensation provided for in article 161 above, the student may be authorized to attend, in a remedial session, the subjects not acquired from the said unit. .
- Article 163: During the remedial session, the mark, for each of the subjects concerned, is then determined on the basis of the mark obtained in the remedial test according to the methods of control of knowledge and aptitudes decided in accordance with the provisions of the section 155 above.
The final mark retained for the subject will be the best of the averages between the first session and the remedial session.
- Article 164: At the end of the remedial session, the teaching unit and the semester are acquired according to the same provisions of articles 160 and 161 above.
In the event that a teaching unit is not acquired in accordance with the provisions of article 160 above, the credits allocated to the acquired subjects that make it up are capitalized.
- Article 165: The principle of compensation applies:
- To the teaching unit: it allows the acquisition of the teaching unit by calculating the average of the marks of the subjects which constitute it, affected by their respective coefficients. The teaching unit acquired by compensation carries the credits assigned to it.
- In the semester: it allows the acquisition of the semester by calculating the average of the marks of the teaching units that compose it, affected by their respective coefficient. The semester acquired by compensation carries the thirty (30) credits allocated to it.
- A year (L1, L2, L3): it allows the acquisition of the year (L1, L2 or L3) by calculating the average of the marks of the teaching units that compose it, affected by their respective coefficient . The year acquired by compensation carries the sixty (60) credits allocated to it.
- Article 166: Obtaining the diploma is subject to the validation of 180 credits for the license (L1+L2+L3) and 300 cumulative credits for the master (Licence+M1+M2).
- Article 168: The passage from the first to the second year of license is right if the student has acquired the first two semesters of the training course.
However, the passage from the first to the second year of license can be authorized for student having validated at least 30 credits of which 1/3 at least in a semester and 2/3 in the other semester.
- Article 169: The passage from the second to the third year of license is right if the student has acquired the first four (4) semesters of the training course.
However, the passage from the second to the third year of license can be granted to any student having validated at least 90 credits and acquired the basic teaching units required for the continuation of the studies in specialty.
The student registered for a license cannot stay there for a maximum of five (05) years., even in the case of a reorientation. However, students who have acquired 120 credits or more may exceptionally be authorized to re-register for an additional year.
- Article 172: The passage from the first to the second year is the right if the student has acquired the first two semesters of the training course.
However, the transition from the first to the second year may be authorized for any student who has validated at least 45 credits and acquired the pre-requisite teaching units for continuing studies in a specialty.
- Article 174 : The student, not admitted to progress in the second year of a training course, is, depending on the case, authorized to re-enroll in the same course or directed by the training team, towards another training course.
Under no circumstances may a student registered for a master stay there for more than three (03) years maximum, even in the case of a reorientation.
- Article 175: In courses and specialties that require internships or end-of-study dissertations, the student benefits from supervision.
- Article 177: The promoting teacher can only evade his supervision obligations in the case of failure or lack of attendance on the part of the student.
- Article 178: With regard to the Master, the S4 semester is reserved for an internship or an initiation to research, sanctioned by a dissertation and a defense before a jury.
Article 179 : The sessions for submitting reports (Bachelor) and defenses (Master) are fixed as follows:
- first session: June
- second session: September – October
- Article 180: Any delay in the defense may, under exceptional conditions, entitle you to re-registration following the prior agreement of the department or faculty.
- Article 181: A provisional certificate of success is issued to the student admitted at the end of a good course upon presentation of the following documents:
- student card,
- discharge from the library,
- discharge from university social works.
- Article 182: The certificate of provisional success can only be issued after four (04) weeks from the date of the deliberations.
- Article 183: The provisional success certificate can only be issued to the person concerned or to a third party with a power of attorney.
- Article 192: The classification of the students of a given promotion, all cycles combined, is pronounced by the "commission of classification and orientation" as defined by the regulations in force.
- Article 193: The major of promotion is declared among the students, having followed a course (without doubling nor retakes), and not having undergone disciplinary sanctions.
- Article 194: The average of classification (MCL) is the average of the license (ML) of the six (6) semesters of studies composing the course, affected by corrective coefficients taking into account the accumulated delays.
This average is calculated using the following formula:
MC = MSE (1-a(r+d/2+s/4)) |
With: MC = Ranking average
MSE = Average of the averages of the semesters concerned
MSE = ∑(MSi)/n where MSi is the mean of semester i
a = Abatement rate estimated at 0,04
r = Number of repetitions per year,
d = Number of admissions with debt per year,
s = Number of admissions after the remedial session per semester,
n = Number of semesters concerned (n between 1 and 6 for the License and n between
1 and 4 for the Master)
- Article 195: The tutoring is organized or profit of the first year students of the first cycle (Bachelor).
Article 196 : Tutoring is a mission of permanent monitoring and support of the student in order to facilitate his integration into university life and his access to information on the world of work.
- Article 197: The mission of tutoring has several aspects, in particular:
- informative and administrative aspect: Reception, orientation and mediation.
- pedagogical aspect: Accompaniment to learning, organization of the personal work of the student, assistance in the construction of the training course.
- methodological aspect: Introduction to university work methods (individual or group).
- technical aspect: Advice for the use of educational tools and materials.
- psychological aspect: Stimulation and motivation of the student.
- helping the student to develop his personal project.
- Article 198: The tutoring mission is ensured by the teacher-researcher practicing at our university. Failing this, this mission can be carried out by students enrolled in master's and/or doctorate degrees under the responsibility of a teacher-researcher in charge of tutoring.
- Article 199 : In the event of loss or destruction of an educational document, a duplicate of the said document may be drawn up and issued upon presentation of a declaration of loss duly established by the national security or by the national gendarmerie. Under no circumstances may a second duplicate be issued.
- Article 200: The student, regularly registered, benefits from medical cover at the level of the university's medical centre.
- Article 201: The student opens the right to social coverage (insurance) according to the provisions of the national social insurance fund.
- Article 202: The student can, if he wishes, practice various sporting and/or cultural activities at the level of the associations and clubs of the university