Latest Past Events

The Lord

تحت إشراف النادي الرياضي لكلية الطب البليدة 1 و بتنظيم من مصلحة 11 years of operation 2025 The date is 205 to 23 to 2023. يحدد مفهوم و مستويات تصنيف الطالب الرياضي الجامعي و حقوقه و واجباته

2nd International Hybrid Seminar. The Dromedary, a production animal: reality and perspectives

Seminar on the dromedary, entitled: The dromedary animal of production: Realities and perspectives. which will take place on December 11 and 12, 2024. participation form link: Instructions to authors: Abstracts must be sent in Word document. Title: Arial 12, bold, centered, max 200 characters including spaces Authors: Arial 12, italic, […]