تعلم نيابة مديرية الجامعة المكلفة بالعلاقات الخارجية لتنشيط و الاتصال و التظاهرات العلمية الموظفين الإداريين و التقنين جامعة البليدة1 عن افتتاح...
تزامنا مع الإحتفال باليوم الوطني للطالب 19 ماي 2024 تنظم جامعة باجي مخgent الأيام 20-21-22 ماي 2024 لمزيد من ...
service provision agreement between (laboratory of energy processes and Nanotechnologies (LPEN) blida1 university and Laboratory of studies and research in industrial technology (ERTI) blida1 university
The purpose of this agreement is to define the practical arrangements for scientific and technical collaboration between two partners in the field of analysis...
University of Granada Spain
The University of Saad dahlab blida1 and the Department of Microbiology of the University of Granada Spain have the desire to engage in teaching activities and...
Club of Entrepreneurs and Industrialists of Mitidja (CEIMI)
the two parties undertake to give their collaboration a privileged character the objectives are as follows: the creation within the framework of the LMD of...
اتفاقيةتأطرية للتعاون العلمي و التقني )
تم يوم 2022/12/12 إبرام إتفاقية تأطيرية للتعاون العلمي والتقني بين مخبر قمع الغش بالبليدة و جامعة سعد دحلب البليدة 1 لصالح طلبة اليسانس والماستر وكذلك مهندسي المخابر و...
The purpose of this agreement is to define the conditions under which Saad Dahlab Blida1 University, Institute of Aeronautics and Space Studies, undertakes...
Fundamental and Applied Physics Laboratory (FUNDAPL) Saad Dahlab Blida1 University and Geomaterials and Civil Engineering Laboratory (LGMGC), Saad Dahlab Blida1 University
The purpose of this agreement is to define the practical arrangements for scientific and technical collaboration between the two partners in the field of analysis...
CEESA 2022 ranking
the results of the evaluation of higher education institutions on 05 aspects (CEESA 2022) below: CEESA 2022 ranking(1)
ESIGELEC 2016-2021
Promoting and improving the dissemination of Knowledge. -Creation of knowledge through academic research Valid from 17/05/2016 to...
Convention in the field of physico-chemical analysis
Agreement in the field of physico-chemical analysis with the clay manufacturing company EURL Kribi Messaoud The purpose of this agreement is to define...
Study of the impact of the Covid-19 pandemic on science and engineering education
مكتب اليونسكو الإقليمي للعلوم بالقاهرة إعداد " دراسة حول أثر جائحة كورونا المستجد -19 على تعليم العلوم و الهندسة " في المنطقة العربية في هذا الصدد يدعو المكتب كل...
Higher School of Food Sciences and Agrifood Industries (ESSAIA)
Higher School of Food Sciences and Agrifood Industries The purpose of this agreement is to formalize the will of the two parties to establish...
Technical cooperation between Algeria and Japan SATREPS
Technical cooperation between Algeria and Japan The Japanese partner invites Algerian universities to send it before October 5, 2021...
ALVIAR Slaughtering Complexes
ALVIAR Slaughtering Complexes The purpose of this agreement is to define and establish the terms and conditions for the implementation of collaboration and cooperation...
National Center for Fisheries and Aquaculture Research and Development
National Center for Fisheries and Aquaculture Research and Development As part of the consolidation of relations between research centers and universities and the...
Administrative Court of Blida 2021-2022
Administrative Tribunal of Blida 2021-2022 This agreement sets the principles of the objectives and the methods of carrying out the cooperation between the University of Blida 1 and...
CNERIB 05/2019 -05/2022
CNERIB 05/2019 -05/2022 This collaboration establishes collaboration between the two parties in terms of educational, technical and research activities...
ISAE ENSMA 2017-2022
The National School of Mechanics and Aerotechnology (ISAE-ENSMA) The objective of this agreement is to: Develop the mobility of researchers and...
BOMARE COMPANY As part of one of the company's objectives, which focuses on supporting young Algerian engineers and training graduates in...
Housing and Building National
Organization of Colloquia Exchanges of Academic Information and Materials. the validity of this agreement from 29/06/2019 to 09/06/2024
ANSEJ 2017-2022
the aim of encouraging the spirit of partnership among researchers and students through activity programs aimed at the dissemination and encouragement of culture...
National unemployment insurance fund (CNAC)
National Unemployment Insurance Fund Develop and encourage entrepreneurship at the University, The period of validity from 09/05/2018 to 09/05/2023...
HIKMA PHARMACEUTICALS -Organize site visits for students. -Organize end-of-study internships. -Free supply of products. - Organize by...
Mouloud Mammeri Tizi Ouzou University (UMMTO)
Mouloud Mammeri University Collaboration with the Institute of Veterinarians of the University of Blida1, conferences, days of scientific animation....
GECETAL 05/2019 to 05/2022
GECETAL Implementation of the new professional Master's training offer on the management of household waste. The period of validity of this cooperation From...
IMETAL 03/2019 to 03/2022
Develop à la carte training for the benefit of the company SIDER EL HADJAR EPE. -Facilitate the mobility of students within the framework of internships in an industrial environment....
Ministry of Labour, Employment and Social Security
Ministry of Labour, Employment and Social Security -Promotion and development of the entrepreneurial spirit in the university environment -Creation of a bank...
IOWA STATE UNIVERSITY Iowa State University is an American public university located in Ames, Iowa. Its official name is "University...
MAHATNA GANDHI UNIVERSITY Organization of Seminars and Colloquia. the period of validity from 08/05/2019 to 08/05/2022