The University of Blida1 signs a cooperation agreement with SARL INTAJ MOHTAWAYAT
A cooperation agreement was signed on Sunday, January 26, 2025, between the University of Blida1 and SARL INTAJ MOHTAWAYAT, specializing in the field of IT and artificial intelligence.
The signing ceremony took place at the Institute of Aeronautics and Space Studies, and was chaired by Prof. Mohamed Bezzina, and Mr. Youcef Touileb, director of the company, in the presence of university executives and the media.
This agreement aims to promote cooperation, innovation and student training.
According to the university rector, it is about creating a bridge between the academic world and the professional world, to allow researchers and entrepreneurs to work together on innovative solutions. This partnership also allows students to carry out practical internships at the SARL level.
For his part, the director of the SARL, stressed that the company has all the material and human resources necessary for the implementation of quality training programs.