The programs of the two Doctorate competitions

January 13, 2025

Blida-CDTA Doctoral Competition Programs: (Download)

Test Program
Advanced algorithms – Design and analysis of efficient algorithms (eg recursion, divide and conquer,

dynamic programming, greedy algorithm, etc.)

– Algorithms (search, insertion and deletion) on search trees (ABR, AVL, TAS, red and black, AMR, B-tree, etc.).

– Sorting algorithms (by selection, by insertion, by bubble, by merge, fast, by ABR, by TAS, etc.)

– Shortest path search algorithms (Dijkstra, Bellman, Ford, Floyd, Johnson, …..)

– Algorithmic complexity

– NP-completeness

– Heuristics and meta-heuristics

Operating system and distributed systems SE:

1. Operating system architecture

2. Process management: heavy and light processes (threads), synchronization (mutual exclusion, semaphores, monitors), interprocess communication

3. Resource management:

● Processor scheduling

● Memory management

● File management

● Device and interrupt management

4. File management systems

5. Real-time operating systems

6. POSIX Programming

7. Linux System

Distributed system:

• Characteristics of distributed systems

• Types of distributed systems

• Problems and challenges

1- Algorithms for implementing distributed systems

• Logical time and global state calculation of a distributed system

• Diffusion algorithms

• Election

• Distributed mutual exclusion

• Distributed termination detection

2- Architecture styles of distributed systems

Software architecture

• Object-oriented architecture

• Service-oriented architecture

• Resource-oriented architecture

System architecture

• Client-server and multi-tier architecture

• Peer-to-peer architecture

3- Communication in distributed systems

• Socket communication

• Remote procedure calls

• Calling remote methods

• Message-oriented communication

• Communication by events and notifications (Publish-Subscribe)

• Communication protocols

• Middlewares

• APIs


Security and networks Security :

● Computer security

● Computer vulnerabilities

● Threats and types of computer attacks

● Secure communications

● Cryptography


● Network addressing, routing, data link layer, transport layer and access lists.

● Virtual Local Area Networks (VLANs)

● Network security architecture

● Access security

● ACL-based network filtering

● IP Address Translation (NAT)

● Virtual Private Networks (VPN)

● Firewalls and IPS/IDS systems

● Network security monitoring services (Syslog, NTP, SNMP, etc.)



Blida Doctorate Competition Programs: (Download)

Test Program
Advanced algorithms – Design and analysis of efficient algorithms (eg recursion, divide and conquer,

dynamic programming, greedy algorithm, etc.)

– Algorithms (search, insertion and deletion) on search trees (ABR, AVL, TAS, red and black, AMR, B-tree, etc.).

– Sorting algorithms (by selection, by insertion, by bubble, by merge, fast, by ABR, by TAS, etc.)

– Shortest path search algorithms (Dijkstra, Bellman, Ford, Floyd, Johnson, …..)

– Algorithmic complexity

– NP-completeness

– Heuristics and meta-heuristics

Advanced databases – Modeling and design of relational databases

– Modeling and design of object databases

– Extended Object-Relational Modeling

– Querying relational databases and relational algebra.

– Query optimization

– Concurrent access and transaction management

– Distributed database and distributed transaction management.

Networks – TCP/IP protocols

– Routing protocols

– Network programming, client/server architecture

– LANs, WANs, MANs, WLANs, Mobile networks, Ad hoc networks and sensors

– High-speed networks, Frame relay protocols. PPP, HDLC

– Wired/wireless transmission technologies

Safety – IS security

● Access control theory

● Advanced systems administration

● System security

– BD Security

– Network Security

● Service-by-service study of threats and attacks (identity theft, information collection, denial of services, etc.)

● Protections and countermeasures in the different layers of communication: firewalls, virtual private networks, etc.

● Attack detection mechanisms: honeypots, traffic monitoring algorithms, etc.