Our story in
December 13, 2016
Institute of Dedicated Applied Sciences and Techniques was officially created within the Saad Dahlab University of Blida1 by executive decree n°…….. of 24 Rabie Ethani 1419 corresponding to December 13, 2016 amending and supplementing decree n°……… …………… bearing the standard statute of the university.
LMD training
Our university is among the first universities in Algeria to take charge of training in the new LMD (Professional License) system. Institute of Applied Technical Sciences is the first at Saad Dahlab blida1 University to get in tune with this new LMD training. Since 2016 (year of implementation), applied licenses have been created, with a view to adapt the training provided to the to the needs of the labor market.
Our faculty in numbers
Institute of Applied Sciences and Techniques is made up of 4 specialties (Cereal Technology and derivatives, Milk Technology and derivatives, Water and Beverage Technology, Marketing Techniques in Agrifood TCAA and the Common Core) and a library.
Educational laboratories
A physico-chemical laboratory, A microbiology laboratory, A biochemistry laboratory, A cereal laboratory
Today the ISTA institute includes (conference room, an amphitheater, 15 teaching rooms, a refectory).
Professional studies diploma
Our Training
- Objective to offer future graduates a short-term training (three years), with the best of what is done in terms of supervision and modern and innovative pedagogical approaches.
- Directed towards the world of work, in perfect and immediate adequacy with the requirements of the economic sector of the branch, this training is sanctioned by obtaining a professional licence.