Faculty of Sciences

Master in Physics of Materials

Formation's goal

Profiles and skills targeted

Career opportunities

The purpose of the training is to provide a theoretical basis allowing future students to learn about the prediction calculations of new materials, the techniques of crystal growth and the analysis of bulk and thin-layer materials.

The students will be accompanied by on-site training, around the different techniques of characterization and analysis of materials. This training will aim to match each technique to the need for investigation.

The targeted skills would be at the level of the ability of the holder of the Master to be able to adapt to the applications inherent in his field, namely, a classification of the different materials, their physico-chemical properties and their field of use. .

1/Acquire a good knowledge of the physicochemical properties of the materials studied, including structural, thermal, electronic, magnetic and optical properties. This allows the holder of this Master to have the skills required for teaching (Ministry of Education) and/or Scientific research in Research Laboratories.

2/Apply optoelectronic and magnetic properties in various fields, such as phosphorescence, scintillation, magnetic detection, gaseous detection, laser as well as photovoltaic conversion.


The holder of the Master will be able to apply for a position:

  • access to the Doctorate
  • teaching (Ministry of Education)
  • as a research engineer at a research center
  • engineer near an analysis and control laboratory
  • to work with a company producing and processing materials for technology

Master's program in Physics of Materials

Download : The Canvas

1st year

1 semester

Teaching unit VHS weekly VH coefficient Credits Assessment method
14-16 weeks C TD TP Other Continued Examen
fundamental teaching units 9 18
Material 1 : Crystalline solids and group theory 67:30 am 03:00 am 01:30 am 3 5 X (1/3) X (2/3)
Material 2: Molecular quantum mechanics 45:00 am 01:30 am 01:30 am 3 5 X (1/3) X (2/3)
Material 3: wave optics 45:00 am 01:30 am 01:30 am 2 5 X (1/3) X (2/3)
Material 4: Thermal transfer 45:00 am 01:30 am 01:30 am 1 3 X (1/3) X (2/3)
 EMU (O/P)                             5             9       
Material 1: TP Optical 45:00 am 01:30 am 01:30 am 3 5 x X
Material 2: Diffraction methods 60:00 am 01:30 am 01:30 am 01:00 am 2 4 X X
Material 1 : Material class 22:30 am 01:30 am 2 2 x
Transversal teaching unit
Subject 1: English 1 45:00 am 01:30 am 01:30 am 1 1 X
Total Semester 1 375:00 am 202:30 am 90:00 am 45:00 am 37:30 am 17 30

2 semester


Teaching unit

VHS weekly VH  




Assessment method


C TD TP Other Continued Examen
fundamental teaching units
Electrons and phonons in solids 67:30 am 03:00 am 01:30 am 3 5 X(1/3) X(2/3)
Magnetic properties of solids 45:00 am 01:30 am 01:30 am 2 5 X(1/3) X(2/3)
:Growth and crystal defects 45:00 am 01:30 am 01:30 am 2 5 X (1/3) X (2/3)
Subject4: Atomic and Molecular Spectroscopy 45:00 am 01:30 am 01:30 am 2 3 X(1/3) X(2/3)
EU methodology
Subject 1: Mathematical tools for physics and Mathlab 60:00 am 01:30 am 01:30 am 01:00 am 3 5 X
Subject2: Fluid mechanics 45:00 am 01:30 am 01:30 am 2 4 X
EU discovery
UED1 (O/P)
Material 1: Solid Laser 45:00 am 01:30 am 01:30 am 2 2 X
transversal teaching units
Subject 1: English 22:30 am 01:30 am 1 1 X
Total Semester 2 375:0 am


202h 90:00 am 45:00 am 37:30 am 17 30


2nd year

3 semester


Teaching unit

VHS weekly VH  




Assessment method


C TD TP Other Continued Examen
Fundamental EU 9 18
UEF1 (O/P)
Surface and interface phenomena 67:30 am 0 3H00 01:30 am 3 5 X(1/3) X(2/3)
UEF2 (O/P)
Calculation methods ab-initiofor periodic systems 45:00 am 01:30 am 01:30 am 2 5 X(1/3) X(2/3)
UEF2 (O/P)
Luminescence of materials 45:00 am 01:30 am 01:30 am 2 5 X(1/3) X(2/3)
UEF4 (O/P)
Material 4 : Thermal of crystal growth 45:00 am 01:30 am 01:30 am 2 3 X(1/3) X(2/3)
EU methodology 5 9
Material 1: solids characterization techniques 60:00 am 01:30 am 01:30 am 1:00 am 3 5 X
Material 2: Linux operating system and computer codes 45:00 am 01:30 am 01:30 am 2 4
Discovery Teaching Unit
UED 3 3
Materials for the'cover 45:00 am 01:30 am 01:30 am 2 2 X
Transversal teaching unit
RIS (Scientific Information Retrieval) 22:30 am 01:30 am 1 1 X
Total Semester 3 375:00 am 202:30 am 90:00 am 45:00 am 37:30 am 17 30

4 semester

Internship in a company sanctioned by a dissertation and a defence.

Teaching unit VHS coefficient Credits
UEF4: Memory 375 h 17 30
Total Semester 4 375 h 17 30

Overall summary of the training

  • (indicate the separate global VH in progress, TD, for the 04 teaching semesters, for the different types of UE)












Courses 22:30 am 09:00 am 04H 30 04H 30 27 H 00
TD 18H 00 13 H 30
TP 09:00 am 09 H 00
Personal work 15:00 am
Other (Seminars, Laboratory work)  

25:00 am


03:00 am


03:00 am


01:30 am


27:00 p.m.

Total 65 H 30 21 H 00 07 H 30 06H 00 100:00 am
Credits 84 27 06 03 120
% in credits for each teaching unit 70% 22.5% 5% 2.5% 100%