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Houria Rezala, Hussein Khalaf, Jose Luis Valverde, Amaya Romero, Alessandra Molinari, Andrea Maldotti: |
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Siham Ouidri, Hussein Khalaf: |
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A. Khelifa, S. Aoudj, S. Moulay, M. Hecini, M. De Petris-Wery: |
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A. Tassista, H. Lounici, D. Belhocine, A. Khelifa, N. Mameri: |
Removal and recovery of copper from aqueous solutions by Streptomyces rimosus biomass: Enhancement of regeneration by desorption-electrolysis coupling; Desalination and Water Treatment,3 (2009) 210–216. |
Hocine Boutoumi, Saad Moulay, Mohamed Khodja: |
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D. Ghernaout, B Ghernaout, A. Boucherit, MW Naceur, A. Khelifa, A. Kellil: |
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Smain Megateli, Saida Semsari, Michel Couderchet: |
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L. Touafri , A. Kadri , A. Khelifa , N. Aimeur and N. Benbrahim: |
The Inhibition and Adsorption Processes of L-Cysteine Against the Corrosion of XC 18 Carbon Steel in 2N H2SO4; Journal of Engineering and Applied Sciences 3, 688-696 (2008). |
D. Ghernaout, B. Ghernaout, A. Saiba, A. Boucherit, A. Kellil: |
Removal of humic acids by continuous electromagnetic treatment followed by electrocoagulation in batch using aluminum electrodes; Desalination 239 295–308(2009). |
D. Ghernaout, B. Ghernaout, A. Boucherit: |
Effect of pH on Electrocoagulation of Bentonite Suspensions in Batch Using Iron Electrodes; Journal of Dispersion Science and Technology, 29 (9) 1272 — 1275 (2009). |
Partial oxidation of allylic and primary alcohols with O2 by photoexcited TiO2″, Photochemical and Photobiological Sciences, 8(5), , 613-619 (2009). |
Semsari Saida, Mégateli Smain., Taleb Fella., Tahar Khadidja and Couderchet Michel: |
The Use of Nitrogen Content of Lemna gibba Growth Medium as an Indicator of Toxicity, Fresenius Environmental Bulletin (FEB), 18 (4), 445-449 (2009). |
S.Megateli, R.Olette, S. Semsari, M. Couderchet: |
Limitation of point source pesticide toxicity of copper / dimethomorph combination for lemna minor and depuration of the fungicides by aquatic plant, Comm. appl. Biol. Sci.Ghent University, 1-10. |
A. Badis, FZ Ferradji1, A. Boucherit, D. Fodil and H. Boutoumi: |
Characterization and biodegradation of soil humic acids and preliminary identification of decolorizing actinomycetes at Mitidja plain soils (Algeria); African Journal of Microbiology Research Vol. 3(13) p. 997-1007; 2009. |
Djamel Tabet, Didier Robert, Pierre Pichat, Hussein Khalaf: |
Ti/Cr-pillared clay as photocatalysts for 4-chlorophenol removal in water;Desalination and Water Treatment vol. 13, 437-440; 2010. |
Siham OUIDRI, Chantal GUILLARD, Valérie CAPS, Hussein KHALAF: |
Epoxidation of Olefins on Photoirradiated TiO2-pillared clays; Applied Clay Science; 48-431(437). |
Parametric study on the effect of the ratios [H2O2]/[Fe3+] and [H2O2]/[substrate] on the photo-Fenton degradation of cationic azo dye Basic Blue 41; Journal of Environmental Science and Health, Part A Toxic/Hazardous Substances and Environmental Engineering Vol. 45, 622-629 (2010). |
S. Aoudj, A. Khelifa, N. Drouiche, M. Hecini, H. Hamitouche: |
Electrocoagulation process applied to wastewater containing dyes from textile industry”;Chem. Eng. Process. 49(11),1176-1182(2010). |
Safia Djedri, Rachid Issaadi, Didier Le Cerf, Luc Picton, and Nadji Moulai-Mostefa: |
Surfactants Synthesis Using Petroleum Fractions and Crude Oil: Application in Microemulsion Formulation, Journal of Dispersion Science and Technology, 31:877–882 (2010). DOI: 10.1080/01932690903223823 |
A. Rouibi, F. Saidi, H. Boutoumi: |
A. Badis, FZ Ferradji, A. Boucherit, D. Fodil, H. Boutoumi: |
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Issma LABIB; Hussein Khalaf: |
Photocatalytic degradation of a synthetic dye with a bentonite catalyst; Revue Sciences, Technologie et Développement N° 8 II pages 256-26 2 (2011). |
L.Touafri, A.Khelifa, N.BenBrahim, A.Kadri: |
Inhibition of mild steel corrosion by cysteine”Sci. Technology. Dev.(Andru), 8(1)(2011) 48-56. |
Study of adsorptive properties and heat transfer in an adsorbent bed – application to the couple methanol/activated carbon used in refrigeration; Revue Sciences, Technologie et Développement N° 8 II pages 213-221 (2011). |
Djamila Fodil, Abdelmalek Badis, Bassem Jaouadi, Nedia Zaraî, Hocine Boutoumi: |
Purification and characterization of two extracellular peroxidases from Streptomyces sp. strain AM2, a decolorizing actinomycetes responsible for the biodegradation of natural humic acids; International Biodeterioration & Biodegradation 65 (2011) 470-478). |
Photo-Fenton treatment of a Mixture of Three Cationic Dyes; Procedia Engineering 33 181 – 187 (2012). |
Electrochemical and Photochemical Oxidation of Cationic Dyes: A Comparative Study; Current Organic Chemistry 16 (2012) 2073-2082. |
Nadjia Khalfaoui, Hocine Boutoumi, Nihal OTURAN; Hussein KHALAF; Mehmet OTURAN: |
Electrochemical Oxidation of the Xanthene Dye Rhodamine 6G by Electrochemical Advanced Oxidation Using Pt and BDD Anodes; Current Organic Chemistry 16 2083-2090(2012). |
Ahmed BOUCHERIT, Hussein KHALAF, Eduardo PAREDES, José´Luis TODOLI: |
Development of a new aerosol phase extraction method for metal determination through inductively coupled plasma atomic emission spectrometry, Talanta 99 330–334 (2012). |
Djamila Fodil, Bassem Jaouadi, Abdelmalek Badis, Zaraî Jaouadi Nadia, Hocine Boutoumi: |
A thermostable humic acid peroxidase from Streptomyces sp. strain AH4: Purification and biochemical characterization; Bioresource Technology 111 (2012) 383-390. |
Horiya Boukhatem, Lila Djouadi, Nabil Abdelaziz, Hussein Khalaf: |
Synthesis, characterization and photocatalytic activity of CdS–montmorillonite nanocomposites; Applied Clay Science72 44–48(2013). |
Nadjia Khalfaoui-Boutoumi, Hocine Boutoumi, Hussein Khalaf, Bernard David: |
Synthesis and characterization of TiO2-Montmorillonite/polythiophene-SDS nonocomposites: Application in the sonophotocatalytic degradation of rhodamine 6G; Applied Clay Science80-81 56–62(2013). |
S. Aoudj, A. Khelifa, N. Drouiche, M. Hecini: |
HF wastewater remediation by electrocoagulation process; Desalination Water Treatment, 51 1596-1602 (2013). |
Djamila Ghribi, Abdellah Khelifa, Said Diaf, Maïouf Belhamel: |
Study of hydrogen production system by using PV solar energy and PEM electrolyser in Algeria; International Journal of Hydrogen Energy 38(20) 8480-8490 (2013), |
In Khadraoui, In Khelifa: |
Ethanolic extract of Ruta chalepensis as an eco-friendly inhibitor of acid corrosion of steel; Research on Chemical Intermediates 39 (9) 3937-3948 (2013) DOI 10.1007/s11164-012-0910-5. |
A. Khadraoui, A. Khelifa, L. Touafri, H. Hamitouche, R. Mehdaoui: |
Acid extract of Mentha pulegium as a potential inhibitor for corrosion of aluminum alloy (2024) in 1 M HCl solution; Journal of Materials and Environmental Science, 4 (5)663-670(2013); |
M. Hecini, A. Khelifa, B. Bouzid, N. Drouiche, S. Aoudj, H. Hamitouche: |
Study of formation, stabilization and properties of porous silicon and porous silica; Journal of Physics and Chemistry of Solids 74 1227-1234(2013); |
A. Khelifa, S. Aoudj, S. Moulay, M. De Petris-Wery: |
A one-step electrochlorination/electroflotation process for the treatment of heavy metals wastewater in the presence of EDTA; Chemical Engineering and Processing: Process Intensification 70, 110-116 (2013), |
H. Hamitouche, A. Khelifa, A. Kouache, S. Moulay: |
Petroleum quaternary ammonium surfactants mixture synthesized from Light naphtha as corrosion inhibitors for carbon steel in HCl 1M; Corrosion Reviews 31(2)61-72 (2013), doi: 10.1515/corrrev-2012-0022 |
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Y Koriche, M Darder, P Aranda, S Semsari, E Ruiz-Hitzky: |
Efficient and Ecological Removal of Anionic Pollutants by Cationic Starch-Clay Bionanocomposites; Science of Advanced Materials 5(8), 994-1005 (2013) |
S Megateli, R Dosnon-Olette, P Trotel-Aziz, A Geffard, S Semsari: |
Simultaneous effects of two fungicides (copper and dimethomorph) on their phytoremediation using Lemna minor; Ecotoxicology 22(4), 683-692(2013) |
Kamel Hachama, Mohamed Khodja, Saad Moulay, Hocine Boutoumi, Lothar Hennig, and Dieter Sicker: |
Novel 3-(2-Oxo-2H-benzo[b][1,4]oxazin-3-yl)propanoates from Dimethyl-2-oxoglutarate and Test of Their Biological Activity; Journal of heterouclic Chemistry 50 (2013) 413-416 . |
N. Drouiche, MW Naceur, H. Boutoumi, N. Aitmessaoudene, R. Henniche and T. Ouslimane: |
Assessment of the recovery of photovoltaic cells cutting fluid by chemical pretreatment and ultrafiltration; Desalination and water treatment 51 (2013) 713-716. |
Z Djenni, D Pingret, TJ Mason, F Chemat: |
Sono–Soxhlet: In Situ Ultrasound-Assisted Extraction of Food Products; Food Analytical Methods 6 (4), 1229-1233 (2013) |
N. Bouchenafa-Saïb, A. Mekarzia, B. Bouzid, O. Mohammedi, A. Khelifa, K. Benrachedi & N. Belhaneche: |
Removal of malathion from polluted water by adsorption onto chemically activated carbons produced from coffee grounds; Desalination and Water Treatment, 52 (2014) 4920-4927. |
D Ghernaout, S Irki, A Boucherit: |
Removal of Cu2+ and Cd2+, and humic acid and phenol by electrocoagulation using iron electrodes; Desalination and Water Treatment, 52 (16-18), 3256-3270 (2014) |
SA Kourdali, At Badis, At Boucherit: |
Degradation of direct yellow 9 by electro-Fenton: Process study and optimization and, monitoring of treated water toxicity using catalase; Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety, 110, 110 -120 (2014) |
D Ghernaout, S Moulay, N Ait Messaoudane, M Aichouni, MW Naceur, A Boucherit: |
Coagulation and chlorination of NOM and algae in water treatment: A review; International journal of environmental Montiring and analysis 2 (3) 23-34(2014) |
A. Khadraoui, A. Khelifa, H. Hamitouche, R. Mehdaoui: |
Inhibitive effect by extract of Mentha rotundifolia leaves on the corrosion of steel in 1 M HCl solution; Research on Chemical Intermediates 40(3)961-972 (2014), DOI 10.1007/s11164-012-1014-y |
H. Hamitouche, A. Khelifa, A. Kouache, S. Moulay: |
Study of the inhibition effect of a quaternary ammonium surfactants mixture synthesized from petroleum fraction (reformate) against the carbon steel corrosion in HCl 1M; Research on Chemical Intermediates 40 (8)2859-2872 (2014), doi: 10.1007/s11164-013-1133-0 |
To Khadraoui, A Khelifa, H Hamitouche, R Mehdaoui: |
Adsorption and Inhibitive Properties of Ruta chalepensis L Oil as a Green Inhibitor of Steel in 1 M Hydrochloric Acid Medium; Research on Chemical Intermediates 40 (3), 961-972 (2014) |
To Khadraoui, A Khelifa, H Hamitouche, R Mehdaoui: |
Inhibitive effect by extract of Mentha rotundifolia leaves on the corrosion of steel in 1 M HCl solution; International Journal of Electrochemical Science 9, 3334-3348 (2014) |
In Khadraoui, A Khelifa, H Boutoumi, B Hammouti: |
Mentha pulegium extract as a natural product for the inhibition of corrosion. Part I: electrochemical studies; Natural product research 28 (15), 1206-1209 (2014) |
To Khadraoui, A Khelifa, H Boutoumi, B Mettai, Y Karzazi, B Hammouti: |
Corrosion Inhibition of Carbon Steel in Hydrochloric Acid Solution by Mentha Pulegium Extract; Portugaliae Electrochimica Acta 32 (4), 271-280 (2014) |
M Houari, B Hamdi, O Bouras, JC Bollinger, M Baudu: |
Static sorption of phenol and 4-nitrophenol onto composite geomaterials based on montmorillonite, activated carbon and cement; Chemical Engineering Journal 255, 506-512 (2014) |
H Boukhatem, L Djouadi, N Abdelaziz, H Khalaf: |
N Zaouadi, B Cheknane, A Hadj-Sadok, JP Canselier, A Hadj Ziane: |
Formulation and optimization by experimental design of low-fat mayonnaise based on soy lecithin and whey; Journal of Dispersion Science and Technology 36(1), 94-102 (2015) |
K Raiah, A Djalab, A Hadj-Ziane-Zafoura, B Soula, AM Galibert, E Flahaut: |
Influence of the hydrocarbon chain length of imidazolium-based ionic liquid on the dispersion and stabilization of double-walled carbon nanotubes in water; Colloids and Surfaces A: Physicochemical and Engineering Aspects 469-107 (116) |
S Aoudj, A Khelifa, N Drouiche, R Belkada, D Miroud: |
Simultaneous removal of chromium (VI) and fluoride by electrocoagulation–electroflotation: Application of a hybrid Fe-Al anode; Chemical Engineering Journal 267, 153-162 (2015) |
S Aoudj, A Khelifa, N Drouiche, M Hecini, D Miroud: |
Development of an integrated electro-coagulation–flotation for semiconductor wastewater treatment; Desalination and Water Treatment 55(6),1422-1432(2015) |
S Hamidouche, O Bouras, F Zermane, B Cheknane, M Houari, J Debord: |
Simultaneous sorption of 4-nitrophenol and 2-nitrophenol on a hybrid geocomposite based on surfactant-modified pillared-clay and activated carbon; Chemical Engineering Journal 279, 964-972 (2015) |
Safia Djedri, Rachid Issaadi, Luc Picton, and Nadji Moulai-Mostefa Didier Le Cerf: |
Effect of biopolymer addition on the formulation and properties of an oil-in-water microemulsion, Research on Chemical Intermediates 41, 5665-5679 (2015) |
M. Hecini, A. Khelifa, B. Palahouane, S. Aoudj, H. Hamitouche: |
A new advance in the study of p-type silicon/electrolyte interface by electrochemical impedance spectroscopy; Research on Chemical Intermediates 41 327-341 (2015), doi:10.1007/s11164-013-1195-z |
R. Mehdaoui, A. Khelifa, O. Aaboubi: |
Inhibiting effect of some synthesized surfactants from petroleum oils on the corrosion of aluminum in hydrochloric acid solution; Research on Chemical Intermediates 41 705-720(2015), doi: 10.1007/s11164-013-1222-0 |
H Hamitouche, A Khelifa, A Kouache, S Moulay, S Umoren: |
Investigation of the inhibitory effect of quaternary ammonium surfactant mixture synthesized from Kerosene petroleum fraction on corrosion of carbon steel pipelines in HCl 1M; Global Journal of Chemistry,1(1)17-27 (2015) |
To Khelifa, H Hamitouche, To Khedraoui, To Hadj Ziane: |
Inhibition efficiency of synthesized petroleum sulfonate mixtures against the acidic corrosion of mild steel; Journal of materials and Environmental science;6 (7), 1890-1895 (2015) |
To Khadraoui, K Hachama, M Khodja, A Khelifa, R Mehdaoui, H hariti, S Abid, B Agnieszka Najda, NChaboun: |
Extraction study and the antibacterial activity of phenol and flavonoid contents in Mentha pulegium L. from Algeria; Journal of materials and environmental science;6 (9), 2501-2508 (2015) |
A Boucherit, S Moulay, D Ghernaout, AI Al-Ghonamy, B Ghernaout et al: |
New Trends in Disinfection By-Products Formation upon Water Treatment; Journal of Research and Developments in Chemistry 2015, 1-27(2015); DOI:10.5171/2015.628833 |
D Ghernaout and A Boucherit: |
Review of Coagulation's Rapid Mixing for NOM Removal; Journal of Research and Developments in Chemistry 2015, 1-32(2015); DOI:10.5171/2015.926518 |
D Ghernaout, AI Al-Ghonamy, MW Naceur, A Boucherit et al: |
Controlling Coagulation Process: From Zeta Potential to Streaming Potential; American Journal of Environmental Protection 4 (5-1), 16-27 (2015) |
D Ghernaout, AI Al-Ghonamy, NA Messaoudene, M Aichouni, MW Naceur, A Boucherit et al: |
Electrocoagulation of direct brown 2 (DB) and BF cibacete blue (CB) using aluminum electrodes; Separation Science and Technology 50:9, 1413-1420 (2015) |
D Ghernaout, AI Al-Ghonamy, A Boucherit, B Ghernaout, MW Naceur et al: |
Brownian Motion and Coagulation Process; American Journal of Environmental Protection 4 (5-1), 1-15 (2015) |
K Hachama, A Khadraoui, M Zouikri, M Khodja, A Khelifa, K Echiker, B Hammouti: |
Synthesis, characterization and study of methyl 3-(2-oxo-2H-1, 4-benzoxazin-3-yl) propanoate as new corrosion inhibitor for carbon steel in 1M H2SO4 solution; Research on Chemical Intermediates(2015);DOI:10.1007/s11164-015-2068-4 |
Abdelkader Khadraoui, Abdellah Khelifa, Kamel Hachama, Hocine Boutoumi, Belkheir Hammouti: |
Synergistic effect of potassium iodide in controlling the corrosion of steel in acid medium by Mentha pulegium extract; Research on Chemical Intermediates 41 (2015) 7973–7980. |
S Aoudj, A Khelifa, N Drouiche, M Hecini: |
Removal of fluoride and turbidity from semiconductor industry wastewater by combined coagulation and electroflotation; Desalination and Water Treatment, (2015), DOI:10.1080/19443994.2015.1095120 |
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