Network Center

The Algerian Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research, as part of a support program for the development of ICTs, has initiated an ambitious distance learning project. The distance learning project aims to network the various Algerian universities. It mainly aims, through the introduction of ICT, to deal with the problem of the growing disproportion of the rate of increase in student numbers in relation to the teaching places offered. they allow its establishments to:

– Extend education beyond the classroom and make it accessible to a theoretically unlimited number of connected learners anywhere and at any time.
– Disseminate on a large scale teaching that meets the criteria of excellence in educational and scientific terms.
– Radically modify the equation of the cost of teaching since the increase in the number of learners will not imply a proportional increase in the number of teachers, infrastructures and premises, accommodation and catering capacity and student transportation.

A distance learning unit is installed in each establishment that is a member of the project. 59 university establishments (university, university center, institute) are divided into two groups according to the type of videoconferencing equipment with which they are equipped.
CERIST is the focal point; The first group called the transmitter/receiver pole consists of 13 sites (CERIST, CDTA, USTHB, U.Alger, U.Blida, U.Béjaia, U.Setif, U.Batna, U.Constantine, U.Annaba, U. Tlemcen, ES SENIA, U.Ouargla); and the second receiving pole is 46 sites. The following Figure shows the architecture and operation of the recommended system.

The center for information and communication systems and networks, distance learning and distance learning (eg Calculation Center) provides students with a room well equipped with computer tools in order to allow students in end of study prepared their theses, applications …….

The managers of the room are present to provide technical assistance but also disciplinary assistance:
– Maintain PCs.
– Updating workstations (Antivirus).

This room works according to a well-determined schedule displayed at the level of the center which contains the time, the name and the first name of the student. This room is thus a civil servant during the holidays.

The purpose of this computer room is to enable students to acquire basic computer knowledge. For those who have no notion of computers, the objective is to provide them with the tools to have a “survival kit in a computerized environment”.

For students who already have some experience, this teaching should allow them to consolidate their knowledge and go beyond their empirical knowledge.

Troubleshooting and computer maintenance to help you deal with the various problems (bugs, viruses, hard disk, etc.) that you encounter with your computers.
– Initiation and computer training to teach you how to best control your computer hardware and software.

Intranet networks
The University Network continues to progress, thus concretizing the administrative will which aims to establish an intranet network for the entire University of Blida.
The INTRANET was created to provide faculties and educational and research establishments with an infrastructure that is solid, dynamic and secure.
The INTRANET has made it possible to use broadband for educational and administrative purposes for the benefit of students, researchers and teachers.
The Center for Information and Communication Systems and Networks, Tele-Learning and Distance Education is the central hub for interconnecting the various pavilions within USDB University.
The university campus organized as follows:

By authentication:
Number of authenticated teachers 498.
Number of authenticated students 288.
Number of authenticated graduating students 204.
Number of authenticated personnel 251.

Through a firewall

Number of Sockets Installed –> 1682
Number of switches –> 78
Number of Routers –> 1

Saad Dahlab Blida 1 University website

Saad Dahlab Blida University Messaging

Moodle e-learning platform