


Opening time

from Sunday to Thursday from: 08:30 a.m. to 16:00 p.m.

The current central university library of Blida 1 University…

Home loan

Readers of the Central Library of Saad Dahlab Blida 1 University, can request the loan of books at home as follows:

  1. Access the central library index via the link:
  2. Search the book by title or by author
  3. Fill out the attached form: Download home loan form
  4. Then send the booking form for the book(s) to the following address:
  5. An appointment is given to the reader to pick up the requested book(s)

Note: Please respect the given date to pick up the reserved book(s). exceed 48 hours, the books will be loaned to another reader.

Request SNDL Account

to have an SNDL account (National System of Online Documentation), students in master 2, medical sciences 5th year and more, doctoral students and residents, send to the following e-mail:, a copy of the school certificate for the current year.

undergraduate students can register for the IQRAA platform on Play Store (from their mobile).

Opening of the Reading Rooms

Dear readers,

We inform you that the reading rooms of the Central Library are closed until further notice, due to maintenance work.


Regulations and Loan Terms

Electronic Documentation

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Request SNDL Account

Request SNDL Account

to have an SNDL account (National Online Documentation System), students in master 2, medical sciences 5th year and above, doctoral students and residents,...

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